Sunday 6 October 2019

Post No. 1,424 - Daily candles and other work [Content Warning: change, personal actions]

On my candle blog I post a candle for each day. I'm most familiar and comfortable with runes, so I've used that as the basis for a key part of my system. (I've just realised I haven't posted my rune workshop notes . . . hmm - I may do that, or I may continue to focus on trying to finish my books on that topic [having to earn a living does slow such things down :) .) During that phase, I work through one rune a day. I also have parts of the cycles where I light candles for Patron Deities and Guides, and I could also have set the system up around other systems - for instance, the Yi Jing, which I used to work with in my teens and 20s, when we used to refer to it as the I Ching.

I have a Word document where I keep the master copies of what I want to use for each candle, as well as prayers, and a sequence I use for clearing activities. That way, I'm not recreating this each day from scratch, and I've accumulated around five decades worth of tweaking into the master document I currently use.

As an example, today's rune candle is for Lagu / Laguz, and the text I have developed for that candle is:
I give thanks for all past blessings I have received from Lagu / Laguz, and may, under the direction of my Higher Self and the Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light Force, the energies, Principles and Entities symbolised by and embedded in this rune, as is for the Highest Spiritual Good (HSG) ensure that the following have the BPM flow and harmony, and other resources to be of the BPM and to do that which they should for the BPM for themselves and others:
·         myself, including my parallels and Higher Self and my life, health and wellbeing;
·         my Significant Others, past, present and future;
·         all those I have a duty to or have made a BPM choice to care about or assist;
·         all who have sought, are seeking or will seek to make this world a better (i.e., more BPM) place, including opposing those actions, entities and units which are weakening or opposing the BPM or are not of the BPM; and
·         all specific actions I have, am or will think of in relation to accomplishing this, including all those I have listed previously under this Rune (until they are BPM completed), particularly:
o    prevention/harm minimisation/containment of bushfires and healing/repair/justice afterwards,
o    I always be in full harmony with, aware of and spend the rest of this life living as much as is possible and is my free will choice on the sea, and may I have power with, such that others would say "mastery of", the magickal element of Water,
o    the waters and flows of this World be respected, honoured, acknowledged, nurtured and healed and made whole and well;
·         may:
o    the combination of candles that I have lit this past quarter, will light in the coming quarter, and have lit/will light at other times, for each purpose;
o    the combinations of purposes within each candle; and
o    the responses to and applications of the energies invoked
be balanced, harmonised, synthesised, integrated and made a successful and harmonious whole, and protected and kept true to its original purpose (intent), with no unintended or non-Balanced Positive (spiritual) Light (non-BPM) consequences. Furthermore, may all those I have sought to help be guided, inspired and strengthened that they may come to do all this for themselves, without need of my help. So mote it be.
May this be done with no unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may, as is for HSG, I and all others directly or indirectly involved with accomplishing this, on all levels, always be brought into a full, conscious and prior knowledge of possible unintended or non-BPM consequences, and may the experience of anything for karmic or spiritual growth purposes be made as easy, efficient and painless as possible.
So mote it be.
As you can see, these are not only for myself: I include my "significant others" and matters for the world generally (e.g., bushfires).

Changing these too often can be a bit of a pain, which is why I supplement them with candles every day or so about news and particular events.

I have limited time during the week, so I set these up on the weekend using Blogger's scheduling tool. I find that, provided I read them genuinely when I create each candle (by copying the text from my master document, and inserting the photo of the rune and the candle [and that took a few attempts before I managed to take a photo I liked]), this works quite well.

In fact, given the flow of energy through the computers that host the internet, I actually find this quite a good way to connect with and influence world events.

When I am doing this, I also light a physical candle, but that is to help me with generating "positive" energy/units (often aided by alternative nostril breathing) and clearing any negative units - and those come not only from reading the text of each candle, but also because I have a sequence of topics that I clear, which is also listed in my master Word document.

I tend to divide that into two sections: a standard set, plus the specific set. You'll notice there's some jargon in there - for instance, "bt" is a personal shorthand for "blocks to", which I use when I want to clear blocks so that I can help something happen.

p1q1 is a personal shorthand that goes back to a very comprehensive prayer developed while I was at ASPECTS in the 80s. That one I won't dig up and post here - the Opening Prayer for psychic work covers the key parts that most people might need to use (and I'm in need of another coffee).

I also have a set of personal prompts as follows:

do clearing of links, objects and headings for:
·     self;
·     Significant Others and personal places; and
·     others and other places.
All of this is done within the context of my opening prayer, also now included in candles (e.g., here), which includes a request that this all be as is for the Highest Spiritual Good - whether that is limiting the effect so people learn necessary lessons, or boosting it beyond what I can do, as people deserve more help than I can provide.

The standard clearing triggers are:

p1q1 bt perfect utter absolute complete BPM:
·     strength and strength-related forbearance, including:
bt perfect BPM changes to life to eliminate nonBPM vulnerabilities and ensure a secure, fulfilling and enjoyable BPM source of income and BPM stability and security,
getting into a debt-free, financially independent and BPM enjoyable lifestyle ASAP, including owning my own home,
always and continuously having a BPM safe and secure base for my operations against the nonBPM and the nonBPM hierarchy, including bt both my digital and physical security and sanctity being BPM perfect;
·     human dignity, including never allowing myself to be subject to domination, control or passive aggression;
·     invisibility and undetectability of me to the nonBPM;
·     awareness of / clearing of / reversal of / invulnerability to phagic / psychic attack;
·     weakening/undermining/sabotage of the nonBPM hierarchy, including BPM support of my BPM actions.
  (insert daily requests here) 

p1q1 bt perfect utter absolute complete BPM:
·     the coming day, and all coming events that need preparatory clearing;
·     opposition to this work, including:
o  bt being perfectly BPM forewarned and prepared and capable of heading off/neutralising future nonBPM gains;
o  bt perfect BPM allies/assistance, including bt preventing/minimising any backsliding/weakening;
o  bt perfect active BPM outmanoeuvring/outflanking by the BPM;
o  bt perfect active BPM minimisation of non-BPM weaknesses/blemishes and faults within the BPM;
·     completion to perfectly BPM self-sustaining momentum.

As an example of the daily set of clearing words I use, I'm going to post the ones for tomorrow: 

p1q1 bt perfect utter absolute complete BPM:
planetary and social goals and campaigns:
p1q1 daily and campaigns requiring special attention:
Ø  bt me working perfectly BPM effectively to contribute through shadow walking, healing, writing, clearing and other energy work (including spellcraft, including capitalising on group thought forms created by Harry Potter books and films):
Ø  Iraq, Middle East and NATO the USA and their conduct, Africa (turmoil, poverty and other problems):
p1q1 bt perfect BPM:
Ø  ‘good (BPM) stuff’ for the world, including: [1]
o   absence of vacuums which the nonBPM can take advantage of / bt minimal/painless/no need for earth changes;
o   bt perfect BPM alliance forming / building of BPM back up for the BPM / bt perfect BPM active and manifested support;
o   bt perfect BPM maturity and BPM ethical spiritual behaviour and motivations, including bt perfect BPM: 
   -  increase in consistency and uniformity and extent
   -  having only BPM aspirations
   -  recognising flaws and nonBPM pressures
   -  understanding and acknowledging the undesirability of things nonBPM
   -  being perfectly BPM resourced to handle effects in a BPM manner   
   (including bt developing BPM ways of coping and BPM defences in preference to nonBPM defences and coping mechanisms)
Ø  clearing of the ‘nonBPM stuff’
Ø  conduct and winning of Armageddon, including the BPM being better than /ahead of listings in this incl. preparation for and success by any/all coming BPM world leaders
Ø  activity by and BPM state of being of crystal groups including
o   attainment by crystal groups created for goals of their goals
o   bt perfect BPM creation of additional crystal groups as needed for HSG including
bt perfect BPM knowledge of what is needed including:   perfect clearing of nonBPM or neg group realities,   perfect conversion to the BPM,   with increasing BPM consistency and breadth of application, of myself and the people and places in my life and their network/contacts/linked units including perfect BPM flow on / ripple effects
v re-charge of crystals;
v increasing tolerance;
v breaking testosterone/nonBPM aggression link;
v giving alpha males realistic and sensitive awareness;
v BPM anger management;
v peace & respect for human rights in ME BH India-Pakistan & Africa;
v prosperity in Africa;
v no famine poverty or lack of basic needs;
v bt political leaders aiming to directly help the temporally weak;
v no abuse of power / authority;
v travel safety;
v acceptance and support of transgender and intersex people;
v bt perfect BPM random and free floating harvesters of nonBPM units;
v bt perfect BPM sabotage / neutralisation / reversal / routing of violent extremists and would be violent extremists, on large and small scales, the latter including bullying and personal violent extremism;
v bt perfect BPM neutralising / overcoming / reversal of nonBPM addictions especially to alcohol/drinking / smoking / gambling / violence / bitchiness / drama / control;
v Pines and all similar neighbourhoods with other neighbourhoods being added only as the crystal groups expands and is able to do so;
v bt being safe comfortable and secure in my own times, spaces, places and realities, including bt perfect BPM rejection of intruders and unwelcome influences to the extent that they are totally absolutely utterly and compared barred from my life spaces;
v bt perfect BPM internal acceptance and tolerance of labels and self-identification within TG and IS communities;

So, what this all boils down to is, you can use a bit pre-planning and organisation to increase the amount of work you do - and increase / maintain the efficacy of that work.

I hope this may be of some use. 

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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

Copyright © Kayleen White 2007-2024     NO AI   I do not consent to any machine learning aka Artificial Intelligence (AI), generative AI, large language model, machine learning, chatbot, or other automated analysis, generative process, or replication program to reproduce, mimic, remix, summarise, or otherwise  replicate any part of this post or other posts on this blog via any means. Typos may be inserrted deliberately to demonstrate this is not an AI product.     Otherwise, fair and reasonable use is accepted under Creative Commons 4.0 on an Attribution-ShareAlike basis