Monday 6 December 2021

Post No. 2,103 - More rubbish on "the Matrix"

One of the authors who I respect and follow on YouTube has a video out which is all excited over someone more or less "proving" that we're living in "a simulation" - which is a variation of "the matrix" sort of rubbish. 

Yes, we know. 

Religious / spiritual people have known for millennia. 

What's for tea? (Well, brekkie, actually, given as I'm writing this in the morning - and, as I'm making it, I know [or will when I do that], but - well, it's a nice flair.)

Seriously, we know the world was intentionally created - I've talked and written about this before (see here). All the Higher Selves of those involved in this reality (which goes beyond only those proportion currently incarnated) are actively involved in the process of sustaining the creation (which is one of the reasons our Higher Selves are so powerful)

Scientific types are inclined to get excited about that, but that's a little like each generation's "discovery" of sex (Parent: "And where, child, do you think you from? - Or more accurately, how do you think we made your body - in a science lab?" Child: "I'm made in a lab? Cool!" Parent: "No, you're standard issue creation" Child: "eww!").

What is more significant is why we're in this intentionally created reality, which is actually not to learn and experience. Learning and experiencing is the main mechanism by which we achieve what we're here to do, but to think that is our purpose is to mistake the tool for the purpose - as if a carpenter constructing a building had decided the purpose of his activity was cutting and nailing timber: that has to be done well, and with attention & focus, but the carpenter's aim is not just to cut and nail stuff, it is to create a building using timber. Similarly, the reason for our presence in this reality is to use learning and experience to evolve into more spiritual beings on all levels of our being

The fact that this reality has been intentionally created does not somehow - illogically - make it any less real. And if someone finds that so discomforting that they go all conspiracy-fantasy on themselves, then it just shows they are deeply disassociating from their own, innermost, truest self - their Higher Self. 

In the oldie's terminology (yes, us oldies now had oldies when we were young - back * SNIFF * in another millennium), have a Bex  (which I don't actually recommend) and a lie down. In less old terminology, chill!

Remember, as I wrote here, Deity is: 

“a unified infinite intelligence supported by pure love and which grows with pure love”

Our role is to support that by doing likewise for ourself. 

Spiritual love is not a superficial liking of harmony. Experience - knowledge of people and reality - gives us the ability to truly understand (which also involves looking beyond problems to the Innermost essence of problem" people) and thus have a true, deep love for the truest essence of people - and thus their potential to move beyond problems (although, because of the love we have for others being affected by misdeeds, we also need to manage / mitigate the effects of those misdeeds on others).

That enables us to be more constructive in our long term interactions with them - and to look after ourselves more effectively.

For some people, knowing that "souls" (i.e., our Higher Selves) exist and are eternal might be "comforting", but for others it is a call to get on with living - spiritually living, not over-indulgence in distraction. 

The latter know, for instance, that reincarnation means they may find themselves tied to that which they hate - meaning, in the long term, homophobes / transphobes / biphobes / queer-phobes will eventually have lives as the LGBTIQ+ people they despise - AND as significant others of LGBTIQ+ people - until they understand:

(a) the damage their hate is doing, and 

(b) that their hate has no valid foundation.

And that knowledge does not minimise the need for taking effective action against hate now. To fail to do so is a bit like watching someone being swept by in a flood and refusing to offer help - it makes you culpable in that person's death by drowning - perhaps not as much as the flood, but you still have some culpability.

And, no matter that the drowned person has an eternal Higher Self (or soul, if you prefer that terminology) and drowned in an intentionally created reality, their suffering is still real - as is the bystanders inaction (FAILURE to take action)

So, yes we know we're living in  an intentionally created reality, which some people get excited over and use different words (such as "matrix" or "simulation") for. Get over it, and get on with living spiritually.