Wednesday 29 December 2021

Post No. 2,119 - trying to track down an old book

When I was a kid in Mackay, Queensland in the 1970s, I used to frequent a local book exchange, and one of the books I was taken by was an autobiography of an English woman who had been a child in a colonial family in Hong Kong just before World War (part) Two, was evacuated (I think) during the war, and went back afterwards as a young woman. 

The book is focused on that post-war trip, which ended with her feeling confident enough to return to England. 

Along the way, she experienced two events which have stayed with me ever since I read about them back then: 

  • an elderly "wise man" (my term) named Po taught her a listening technique, where one focused on the furthest-away sound one can hear, then focuses on sounds that are progressively closer, until one starts listening within one's body (breathing and heart, etc) and then listens to the sound of silence. It is a technique I have found quite effective and powerful for me (and I know it hasn't worked for others); and 
  • after she expresses sceptical about old legends of sorcerers (again, that is my word - I'm not sure I have remembered that correctly) flying, she is introduced to two such people who take to a location on one of the hills marked by plaques. They stand in front of and behind here, and, as they "do their thing" (modern terminology, of course), she feels a wind start to build up that is so strong she feels it is about to lift them all up - and she chickens out and asks them to stop. Her description reminds me a little of the video I wrote about at Post No. 295 - Practice. (I have no personal experiences that are in any way similar to those events, so cannot comment personally.)

I've tried a few times to track the book down - obviously, without success. If anyone knows the book, it would be appreciated if they could let me know the authoress and/or title.I'd like to re-read it, but, more importantly, I'd like modern Westerners o know a little more about other parts of the world and their mystical/magickal traditions and powers - and I'd like to properly attribute the source of these incidents.