Tuesday 28 December 2021

Post No. 2,118 - Logic, and Lucid Dreaming & Lucid . . . Living?

I've been writing about the problem of the left brain interpreter (LBI) (as a block to psychic ability, perpetuator of bigotry, enabler of intellectual cowardice, etc), when I found myself using logic to call out a bit of intellectual rubbish that someone standing in what looked like an open air market said in a dream, and thereby realised that I was in a dream and thus moved into a state of lucid dreaming. (I would have remembered more details but our cat woke me.)

On that, given that lucid dreaming refers to a state where one is aware that one is dreaming (see also here, here, here, and here), I wonder if a term for living in a spiritual ("mindful", to use a fad term) way could be "lucid living"? That would inherently cover living in a sustainable and inclusive way, as ignoring the climate crisis or being a bigot are inherently unspiritual.

It might also be a constructive riposte to those intellectual cowards / sufferers of LBI/FBU/FoC / enforcers of conformity (aka sock puppets of the elite) who misuse terms such as "woke" as a derogatory reference . . .