Friday 31 December 2021

Post No. 2,122 - a personal milestone in 2021

In Year 2021 I made - including this one - 401 posts, with an amazing 54 posts in one month - more than I posted in each of my first three years. Perhaps most importantly, I completed my online courses (now accessible through here, and I am trying to get the time and energy to finish an e-book version of those).

It's been an eventful year for the world, and in many ways for me personally, and I'm unlikely to be as active again in coming years - but I'd like to do another 1,212 (more or less) weekly Psychic Weather Reports, if I can.

So many 1s and 2s . . . well, in one of the numerology systems I learned, 1s were for leadership and 2s were for poetry, so I hope my blogging has been, if not poetical leadership, at least inspiring or through provoking ☺

May 2022 bring you and your SOs BPM safety, security, wellbeing and spirituality.