Saturday 7 January 2023

Post No. 2,345 - The Auric Skin

Heres a little thing it took me quite a few years to work out: just as our physical skin needs to breathe, so too does our auric skin (or sheath) need to be somewhat permeable - to, in a sense, breathe

When I started doing psychic work in the 70s and 80s, a lot of teaching on protection was along the lines that the auric skin had to be made hard, impervious and reflective - nothing got in (a bit like many nations’ xenophobic anti-refugee border policies). And just as those xenophobic policies have failed (in the sense of humaneness, if nothing else), and just as skin needs to be able to sweat and breathe, so too does our auric sheath need to breathe- after all, if it can't, not only can we not remove the discordant and nonBPM from within our aura, but we also cut ourselves off from all that is good.

So now, when teaching visualisations around protection and sealing or warding the aura, I refer to visualising something like a nice cloth around the aura, a cloth made of BPM energies that will repel nonBPM and discordant energies, but it is porous - the way many people think that reverse osmosis works is probably a reasonable analogy. 

One other final note: I referred to visualisation, but any sense can be used - sounds, scents, possibly taste and touch.

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Finally, remember: we need to be more human being rather than human doing.