Thursday 28 March 2024

Post No. 2,744 - Portals and (some) Post-retirement Ponderings

This is just a short post to get a couple of my ideas up online.  

Firstly, I have been watching the streaming series   “Monarch: Legacy of Monsters”    

It’s a reasonable piece of entertainment - I enjoyed it, although I found it a bit slow and drawn out at first - and overblown for me on some aspects, but that might be because I’ve been a polyamorist from a couple of decades before I discovered the term (for the sake of a now ex- of mine, who couldn’t make up her mind between a relationship between me and an ex- of hers, so I said “dont choose”, and we worked it out from there - and she eventually chose a third person who was better for either than either of us ... ).

What I want to write about, though, is the series’ portrayal of portals.

That was excellent! 

The portals shown were between different, more-or-less adjacent, mostly physical realms, but they also gave a good idea of the transition from physical to astral (in some cases - and not from physical to etheric) levels, and to other realms such as that of the fae and those accessed by shamanic journeys.

So ... the series is well worth watching for entertainment (for those who can access it, which I acknowledge is probably not most of the worlds population), but there is this additional benefit for a few of us of seeing a reasonable attempt at portraying shifting from level to level and dimension to dimension.

OK, next. 

In my “recovering from a corporate life” series, I have covered quite a bit, including the trauma caused by forced adherence to work patterns that were unsuitable for me. I haven’t, however, (yet) explicitly looked at the damage done by simply having to do things for so long that something once loved becomes boring - or even repugnant. 

That is an issue which does not apply to everyone: some people find routine comforting - or enjoy the challenge of doing something for a longer period of time. 

That last aspect applies to the work I am doing on psychic weather reports, which was initially set up to be for 30 years (if I live that long, in good enough health).

That is a fairly long period, but it is a limited period, and it does not match the fifty or sixty years people have to work now (which, incidentally, I consider should be split at around the half way point so people can avoid the problem I am talking of).

On top of that, some things which I have loved, such as meditation and breathing exercises, have become tainted by their use to enable me to cope with the egregious demands of my day career and keep myself going. 

Breaking those associations so that I do not have the repugnance from that incidental association, is an issue - one which I am currently working at getting around by (a) focusing on the joy aspects, and (b) shifting my focus to things like moving meditation (Tai Chi, in my case, which has been a lifelong interest) and new variations of old techniques (such as my colours and chakras project)

The point I am making here is: 

we need to start thinking in nuanced terms of longer life times of activity, and doing things for decades, not years (or months or even just days)

Be prepared for the efficacy of good things to change because they have either been used for a long time, or because their use has created an unpleasant association. 

A much simpler, improperly understood example is that some people find physical training methods seem to “lose their efficiency” over time. In my opinion, most of that is losing the emotional-mental pleasure of doing something, which may lead to an unconscious demotivation, rather than the muscles “getting used to” an exercise trope, and it does NOT apply to everyone. 

To use neurodivergence as an example, autistic people like routine, and are less likely to experience the loss of pleasure/efficacy over time (although still may experience the problem of negative associations from using a technique to cope with something unpleasant), whereas ADHD people are more prone to this effect - I could say that, in effect, after six decades the techniques have lost their dopamine hit [this is where I would love to be able to insert one of the emoticons I have on my phone, which blogger does not have yet, so ... just imagine a thoughtful face please]

(AuDHDers, which have both, have ... double the trouble - and the strengths 😁 )

NONE of this is a comment of the merit or value or notional effectiveness of these techniques: they are good, valid, and well worth considering ... but possibly for multiple decades or less than half a century or so - and maybe not for tens of millennia ... 

When considering timescales, don’t forget our souls are eternal (yes, there may be mergings etc, but those are millennia away from most of the people on this planet)

Our bodies are not, so it is valid for us to focus on this lifetime - which is the purpose for being incarnated - but, while we cannot be sure how much time we have (because of accidents, etc), we do need to be mindful that the efficacy or value of things may change after decades - or half a century or, in some cases, a century, of life without losing their inherent worthh/value/“goodness”.


Just some food for thought [thoughtful face emoticon]

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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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