Saturday 12 October 2024

Post No. 2,898 - Some interesting reading/viewing

Following are some llinks that might of interest or value, but first an unusual incident from a recent lucid dream: doing some basic maths (addition of two lengths of time to work out a period). There are a number of tests for lucidity during dreams, but I dont think maths is a very common one 😁 (for the record, awake me confirmed that asleep me got the addition right):

  • ““Aspie Supremacy” - A Deep Dive”   This is a must watch video - despite its length. As an example of why it needs to be watched, the arrogant, spiritual bypassing, WILDLY inaccurate, amathiac, ableist tripe by YouTubers at the start of (and at intervals during) the second chapter on ““Star Seeds” & Esoteric Aspie Supremacy” is a perfect example of the reason I got as far away from that movement as I could - the only thing missing was the interpersonal gossiping, sniping, and backstabbing. However, the perspective, ideas, and commentary by Ember Green on matters such as history, evolution, eugenics, sterilisation policies, “mental age” aka (racist) IQ, etc AND THE CALL TO ACCEPT EACH HUMAN AS THEY ARE, is the best feature - except I do consider there is evidence of ESP, and Dean I Radin (and Lyall Watson and Victor Zammit) is a good source on scientific evidence on this. I also absolutely agree with the theme that a lot of the tripe is right wing and extremist muck. In fact, the whole video is also a case study in the need for good mental & emotional health & wellbeing, objectivity/rationality, and doing shadow work for anyone who gets involved in psychic/paranormal/spiritual/religious work/matters/attitudes ... and for the avoidance of right wing extremism/neoliberalism/capitalism. As a counter to the examples in this video, an example of a GOOD YouTube channel and attitudes/use of magic, I suggest The Activist Witch and the channels they recommend and work with, such as Kelly-Ann Maddox.      
  • some excellent thoughts on moral injury by an author I respect; 
  • “Turkey | Kumburgaz UFO | Debunking the Debunkers”   This was interesting, and reasonably well done      
  • “Witches Unite for Palestine Mutual Aid: Raffle, History and Activism Fatigue”   This is, as usual, excellent, and has some outstanding advice starting at around 12:20:   “… what I'm bringing to you with the second phase … is literally take things at your pace. Do what you can, recognise the energy that you have, and do not castigate yourself for the things that - oh I can do more   …   I understand how easy it is from the, kind of almost echo chamber that we got in, being activists, because … you’re privileged to live in the Western World, you need to do more and I get that, but   …   you need to take care of yourself   …   [which] means that you retire and make your energy and bring it up enough so that you can do something again, because, again, when we are in a choir if you take a moment and you can take a breather, other people are holding the note for you; if you push and push and push yourself to burn out, then you go lock yourself in your room, you don't want to know anything else and at that point the choir has just lost a voice”     
    • from YouTube and elsewhere on neurodivergence: 
      • “Autistic Not Alien | D'You Know What I Mean?”      

      • “No but why”     

      • “Autism Moms - Stop tweeting and go to therapy (Short)”   This video makes a number of VERY important points - including acknowledging and validating the genuine pain of the mother concerned, and that all parents should be prepared to have disabled children, not only their version of “good” (or “perfect”) children, or else not have children. Similar points can be made for other variations - such as being LGBTQIASB+     

      • “Domestic Bullying - The Hidden Struggles of Autistic Adults”     

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Note that I am cutting back on aspects of my posts - see here

(Gnwmythr is pronounced new-MYTH-ear)   

Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).
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