Monday 11 June 2007

Post No. 001 - A Workshop on Crystals

Welcome! I'm going to start this blog with some workshop notes I've written and used over the years. I've had trouble adding the figures (including a couple of font problems, and apologise for that: given time and experience, I'll no doubt work ourt how to fix that. In the meantime, please enjoy :)

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(The photo is of the MacKenzie Falls in Geriwerd, central west Victoria. I've got as far as working out how to add photos: figures can't be far away, so check back ocassionally if you want those.)
Tags: crystals, workshop notes
First published: 11th June, 2007



August, 2005

1. Introduction.. 2
1.1 General. 2
1.2 What is a crystal. 2
1.3 Uses of crystals. 3
1.4 How crystals work.. 3
1.5 Protection.. 4
1.6 Highest Spiritual Good.. 4
1.7 Grounding.. 4
2. Working with crystals. 5
2.1 General procedure. 5
2.2 Pendulum.. 5
2.3 Exercise no. 1 – establishing a way of working with a pendulum.. 6
2.4 Exercise no. 2 – dowsing for water. 6
2.5 Chakra balancing.. 6
2.6 Crystal meditation.. 7
2.7 Crystal shapes and types. 7
2.8 Layouts. 8
3. General.. 8
3.1 Looking after crystals. 8
3.2 Attitude to crystals. 9
3.3 Buying crystals. 9
3.4 Action plan.. 9
FIGURE 1. 10

Workshop notes

1. Introduction
1.1 General
The purpose of this workshop is to gain some basic knowledge of working with crystals, and practise some basic techniques.
As we progress through this workshop, please feel free to ask questions, but have respect for other participants – which means, in particular, don’t talk over or interrupt them.
In fact, please have respect for all participants generally, myself, and the place where we are working. As a Buddhist and a Wiccan, I am firmly of the view that “what goes around, comes around”, and thus giving respect and allowing others the opportunity to learn, including a peaceful and supportive environment, is one of the best ways to receive those opportunities yourself.
My background with respect to crystals is that I have been working formally with them since 1984. However, much earlier than that, as a child, I would often pick up “happy rocks”, as I called them, and take them home; then, when they weren’t happy any more I would take them back to where I found them. It was a bit like having a friend over for the night.
1.2 What is a crystal
As well as being a Buddhist-Wiccan, I’m an engineer, so I can get a bit technical at times. So, technically speaking, a crystal is:
an object that has a regular arrangement of molecules
Quartz is a crystal with, if it does not have other substances in it, typically a hexagonal arrangement of molecules.
Other substances can have a regular arrangement of molecules – such as fluorite or diamond, and some metals.
Some substances that are loosely classed as “crystals” in the alternative healing world don’t necessarily meet the scientific definition of crystal. I don’t see that as a problem, provided everyone is clear in their understanding of what is meant by crystal, whether that is
(a) something which can be used to benefit some people’s health or state of being, or
(b) a scientific definition.
It comes down to good, clear communication, which I define as:
a process of mutual exploration to a common, shared understanding
So, I will make my starting point a little clearer: I am not a scientific expert in identifying crystals, and there are many people in the alternative world who are far better at identifying types of crystals and gems than I – and I have never been interested in being an authority in identifying gemstones, birth stones, etc. My interest is: what can I do with any particular piece of rock – including, but not limited to, crystals?
That means I’m interested in the first definition given above.
I have also heard people in the alternative therapy world describe crystals as “solidified light” or “petrified water”. Those descriptions are not literal, in my opinion, but are more intended to be a commentary on the properties or characteristics of the rocks concerned.
In terms of literal formation, my understanding is that crystals generally form underground either by coming out of solution in underground water flows, or more typically, by coming out of solution from magma as it cools.
1.3 Uses of crystals
So having made it clear that I’m interested in the potential use of any rock or crystal or similar object, lets move on to those.
Physically, crystals such as quartz are reasonable conductors, and have been used for that purpose in things like radios (hence the old “crystal radio set”). In the sense of this workshop, they can also potentially be used to generate, channel, transform and magnify non-physical energy. Hence, crystals can be used for:
Ø healing, both by generating energy and by magnifying healing energy from other sources (typically healing of physical ailments in my experience is a process which involves restoring harmony to non-physical levels of our being such as the astral and etheric, which then either manifests as healing or helps the physical healing)
Ø assisting any energy that involves non-physical energy or states (eg, meditation or psychic work)
The natural function of crystals is generally to promote harmony and growth and good functioning of that part of the planet where they are found. So, if you have a crystal, take some time occasionally to send some healing energy through it to wherever it came from – many crystals are quite happy to move on and work in places other than where they grew, but a little gratitude and respect never goes astray.
Please note that the effectiveness of crystals is subject to:
Ø karmic limits on what can be achieved (which may actually mean that greater results are achieved than one has skills or crystals for)
Ø requirements to learn particular lessons, which may mean it is in someone’s spiritual best interest to have a problem in order to, say, undertake some study or meet someone, rather than have that problem healed too early in a crystal session
Ø the harmony present between the user of the crystals, the patient (if the user is not the patient), the crystals being used, and the psychic environment.
That last point is quite important: just as not all medicines (whether traditional or modern) don’t necessarily suit everyone, neither is everyone suited to crystals. This is not just a case of people having blocks to crystals because of scepticism: some people just don’t respond well to the type of energy crystals have, or may even find crystal energy disharmonious.
1.4 How crystals work
I perceive crystals as having a form of life and intelligence that gives them an inherent energy of their own - which is a bit like saying a style of music has it’s own life and an energy. Hence, crystals can do some work (such as healing, or generating a particular type of influence) on their own. (This is where the guides listing properties of crystals may be of some value, although I prefer not to use such guides.) Lyall Watson has written of evidence that life exists at the level of minerals and crystals (eg, glycerine learning to crystallise, described in “Lifetide”, and clays growing and showing many of the characteristics of living organisms, described in “Supernature”). From a psychic point of view, there have been descriptions of crystals having an “elemental” (a form of nature spirit) looking after them.
It is also worth considering the point that the energies themselves may have a form of intelligence, or be guided by some intelligence. Returning to Lyall Watson’s work, in “The Romeo Error” he reports experiments that show healing energy to have a selective intelligence, and so help favourable reactions but inhibit harmful reactions and not alter reactions that are in a state of correct balance (referring to reactions involving selected enzymes).
However, it is the ability of crystals to work with other non-physical energies beyond their own that gives them particular value.
As mentioned in the preceding section, crystals have a magnifying effect: they gather and focus non-physical energy in much the same way that a magnifying glass focuses light. (Some caution is required here to make sure that the energy being focused is constructive - that point will be covered more under 1.5 Protection and 3.1 Looking after crystals.)
Part of this function is the ability of crystals to act as a non-physical magnet, and hence attract non-physical energies. This characteristic can be used when getting a crystal to, for example, absorb energy associated with pain, discomfort or illness.
1.5 Protection
When working with non-physical energies, there are some common sense things to do - much as in the physical world you wouldn’t normally walk into a fire, the ocean or a wall.
As with things in the physical that can harm us, there are things in the non-physical worlds which can be somewhat risky - most typically, energies which, although not “evil” or negative, clash with our own energies. This is a bit like two colours clashing: you wouldn’t say either colour is evil, but the combination isn’t constructive or pleasant.
There can be what are more or less “clouds” of more unpleasant energies (eg, stress energy in some work environments, as well as pain and terror where people may have been tortured).
Whatever the type of energy, you should always regularly use responsible psychic practise such as shielding (protection), grounding and releasing for the sake of your psychic health generally, as well as sessions where you are opening yourself to non-physical energies - and sessions where you wish to work with crystals are no different to any other psychic work session.
1.6 Highest Spiritual Good
No matter how good your application of the techniques we will be learning about in this workshop, they may not work for you in all situations.
This may be because the person or situation being worked on is meant to experience something unpleasant or difficult or challenging. This may be because that is needed to motivate someone into learning thoroughly, or to be a strengthening experience, to repay a karmic debt or perhaps you may have agreed to take something on to see whether others would help you (ie, as a test of a friend, perhaps).
There is a flip side to this as well: it may be for the Highest Spiritual Good to have what is being worked towards happen, and so that may happen despite the combination of you and crystal(s) not having the ability to ordinarily manifest that.
1.7 Grounding
It is important to be in control of one’s non-physical bodies when doing any form of psychic work (including meditation). One technique to help with this is grounding. Not being grounded can lead to distraction, ineffective work, accumulating negative or excess energy in your aura, being easily influenced or “flighty”, and problems such as headaches or tiredness.
One way ground is to imagine a cord (or several), or something like a tree root, going from the centre of your body (or perhaps the soles of your feet) into the Earth.
2. Working with crystals
2.1 General procedure
The general procedure is outlined in Figure 1. In brief, that is:
Ø prepare
Ø establish protection
Ø check that the crystal is fit to work
Ø establish a positive connection with the crystal
Ø ask for the crystal’s help
Ø do the work
Ø clear/heal/look after the crystal (and oneself) afterwards
Working with a crystal is like working with a friend: you wouldn’t expect a friend to help you if they were ill or had other pressing commitments: you would check with them first. It is the same with a crystal: the first step is to check with it to see whether or not it needs rest, clearing, healing, etc – and you would also make sure the crystal can actually do the work. After all, you wouldn’t ask a friend with a fear of heights to go up a flagpole to retrieve a lost halyard for you.
The checking is generally done by holding the crystal (to establish a stronger connection – although, with practise, this can be done at a distance), thinking of the question or request, and then noting how one feels – ie, do you intuitively feel comfortable (ie, that the crystal agrees) or uncomfortable (ie, that something needs to be done, or that a different crystal needs to be used). This checking can also be done using a pendulum.
Preparation makes most things easier. In this case, preparation could include:
Ø preparation during sleep state (by asking, when going to sleep, for help to prepare for working with crystals)
Ø reading
Ø this and other courses
Ø meditation (particularly meditation about the topic of crystals and their energies, or meditating with crystals) or psychic development generally
Programming is, in essence, telling the crystal what is expected of it. There are a variety of ways of doing this: you should find what works for you and the particular crystal being used. I personally find that simply talking mentally to the crystal (which is telepathic communication with the crystal’s elemental) is best. Other methods include, for instance, breathing the idea into the crystal (which seems to be a development from shamanism), and may have rules that are, in my opinion, unnecessarily restrictive or complex. It all comes down to finding what works best for you and the crystal.
Working with crystals is very much – to me – about developing a teamwork. In developing this teamwork, it may be that the crystal needs some training – for example, I may start develop the abilities of my crystals by using them with crystals I’ve worked with before, and gradually build them up to working on their own or working with other people. After each step up in intensity, I make sure the crystal receives its necessary healing, clearing and rest. During this process, if needed, I will meditate with the crystal in order to talk to the elemental of the crystal (a sort of a debriefing).
2.2 Pendulum
A pendulum is an object hanging off something, which is freely able to swing. Typically (but not always), it is held in the hand while one asks questions and gets answers to the questions from the direction of the swing.
One of the best explanations I have read of using a pendulum is in Lobsang Rampa’s book “Candlelight” which is, in essence, that a pendulum can be considered a device to bypass subconscious blocks to psychism, and to refine subconscious sensitivity. The explanation given is that the pendulum is moved by the subconscious using your muscles: so you are moving the pendulum, but not consciously (ie, not deliberately). (This is a point in line with some of my experience, where people get better results using the pendulum if they initially close their eyes, but I have had reputable people tell me they have seen crystals attached to inanimate objects move intelligently [ie, giving accurate information] without any direct human contact.)
It is also important to be clear about the questions asked (eg, if ask the pendulum “can you tell me …?” it may well answer that question, rather than whatever it was you wanted to know), to check the pendulum for accuracy (eg, ask if your name is X; keep in mind that some people say there are particular times of the day when pendulums simply wont work).
Using a crystal as the pendulum add the energy, ability and knowledge of the crystal to this mix.
You can also write colours/numbers/etc on a piece of paper, and get the pendulum to indicate answers by swinging towards these – hence, you can get answers that are more complex than yes or no. For instance, if you wrote a series of numbers on a piece of paper and asked “how many people are physically present here?”, you could get an answer more quickly than asking “is one person physically present here?”, “are two people physically present here?”, etc.
2.3 Exercise no. 1 – establishing a way of working with a pendulum
Ø establish and check your protection
Ø select a crystal that feels comfortable
Ø hold the crystal pendulum in a comfortable position, typically so the crystals is about 150mm of string/chain (Rampa describes a method for establishing the exact length of chain/string necessary – a bit like tuning an antennae to a particular frequency)
Ø ask the crystal to indicate: - “yes”, which could be by swinging in a particular line (eg, sideways or back and forth), in a circle in a particular direction or by the presence or absence of movement - “no”, which must obviously be in a different movement to the answer to the first (I consider this should be checked for each crystal-person combination unless you are very experienced)
Ø check the accuracy of the crystal by asking some simple yes/no questions (eg, is my name X, is it daytime, etc), keeping in mind that you are starting a training process for both yourself and the crystal

2.4 Exercise no. 2 – dowsing for water
Ø ask the crystal to show how it will indicate the presence of water
Ø then workshop exercise to be performed

2.5 Chakra balancing
Chakras are energy centres in the body. Chakras are often described as having an energy pattern a bi like a spiral (or, more accurately, a vortex). If this spin of energy is either at the wrong speed or “wobbles” (a bit like a spinning top slowing down), the chakra is said to be out of balance – in which case the functioning of the chakra may be impaired and the person feeling less than perfect. (This can happen through accumulating disharmonious energy, or even the stress of everyday life.)
A crystal pendulum swinging in the chakra’s energy field can clear negative energy and restore the correct energy flows in the chakra. This process is termed chakra balancing. (Some people are able to achieve this with hand held crystals.)
Commonly, sources of information talk about there being seven major chakras, but there are other (“minor”) chakras, and Katrina Raphael’s book “The Crystalline transmission” describes twelve major charkas. (You can dowse for the position of chakras.)
To do a chakra balance,
Ø programme the pendulum to do a chakra balance
Ø hold the pendulum a few inches above each chakra and allow it to spin until the spin slows and stops, then
Ø wipe or in some way cleanse the crystal, and move on to the next chakra
I usually start at the top chakra and work down towards the feet, but sometimes I have had to work in the opposite direction.
There are guides saying the crystal should swing in a particular direction for various chakras (or a sequence of directions; I’ve come across that rule in the context of a seven chakra system, which doesn’t fit a twelve chakra system). I consider the crystal will swing in whatever direction is needed – which may, if the chakra is badly out of balance, be the opposite to whatever is normal to give it an extra clean (possibly this is similar to reports I’ve read of the aura sometimes reversing its spin to cleanse itself). I will wait and see if the crystal wishes to spin in both directions before moving on to the next crystal.
It can be useful to try different crystals for this exercise. For instance, a chakra may need blue energy to achieve its normal energy of green, so a green crystal (such as malachite) may not spin at all, but a blue crystal (perhaps sodalite) may spin wildly. I usually use a clear quartz and ask that the energies needed be channelled for a general chakra balance.
2.6 Crystal meditation
Ø establish and check protection
Ø visualise the crystal growing larger until a doorway becomes visible on the side of the crystal
Ø enter the doorway and go through a tunnel to the centre of the crystal, to meet the elemental guiding the crystal
Ø introduce yourself (good manners go a long way with non-physical entities, as well as with physical) and talk to the crystal about:- what the crystal can do - what you can do to help the crystal - what the two of you together can do
Ø thank the crystal, and then leave by reversing the procedure.
2.7 Crystal shapes and types
I strongly prefer to regard each crystal as an individual, and connect to them as such. (I consider crystals may also act differently when combined with other people.) Hence, I rarely if ever use guides advising what properties crystals have. (Some guides list such a wide range of possible uses that that can be, in itself, quite educative or inspiring.) If wish to have a guide, the books by Katrina Raphael are very good.
Having made that point, there are a few simple points I will make:
Ø “clear rock quartz is typically divided into two groups: male (I describe this as yang), which has a very clear appearance, and “female” (I describe this as yin), which has a cloudy appearance - yang crystals are active or energising crystals[1], and can be used to overcome tiredness, blocked or restricted energy flows and complaints associated with insufficient energy- yin crystals are calming, receptive crystals and can be used to overcome complaints associated with an excess of energy (such as some forms of headache). Many rock quartz crystals are a combination of both, which indicates to me that they have the characteristics of both
Ø the colour of the crystal is a good guide to the effects of the stone. Bright colours such as red and orange are stimulating colours for most people; earthy colours such as brown are grounding colours; green and blue are colours often associated with calm (depending the shade), and blue is often beneficial for the mind
Ø two other major stones are: - rose quartz (coloured because of iron, which also breaks down the regular structure of the rock) – very good for emotional healing - amethyst – a purple form of quartz associated with spirituality/insight (the colour comes from titanium dioxide, I think)
Ø the shape of crystals may be a useful guide: for instance, I have a green aventurine crystal which is shaped like a liver, and is useful for any imbalances associated with the liver or the liver meridian
However, the compatibility of the person using the crystal and the crystal, and the individuality of the crystal, is FAR more important than these guides – don’t place limitations on anyone or anything!
2.8 Layouts
Layouts involve placing crystals and gems on people where it is felt that the energies of those crystals and gems is needed. This is well described in Katrina Raphael’s books, as well as other books and courses. In essence:
Ø sense where there is a problem (which can be done using a pendulum)
Ø sense which crystals or gems are needed in those locations (which may be in the aura).
This is where, if you wish to use the technique of writing, for instance, numbers on paper, you can get a pendulum to indicate, for instance, how many places crystals are needed, then how many crystals are needed in each place, and finally, by arranging the available crystals in a row, which crystals are needed.
Alternatively, you may wish to use psychometry or “muscle testing”.
The crystals are left in place for a period typically from a few minutes to half an hour (too long, and you risk generating problems through discomfort).
Make sure the patient grounds themselves afterwards.
3. General
3.1 Looking after crystals
Just as people need rest, and an occasional holiday to “recharge their batteries”, so too do crystals – the equivalents fro crystals are clearing and recharging.
Clearing is basically freeing the crystal of stresses, incompatible energy or negative energy that it has accumulated. If you pick up a crystal that normally feels comfortable to you, but now it doesn’t (it may even feel unpleasant), it probably needs clearing. DON’T IGNORE THAT CHANGE! The need for clearing can also come out of noticing that the crystals are not performing as well as it normally does.
Some suggestions for doing this are:
Ø “flame” the crystal (by imaging heat and light flowing out of or through it)
Ø leave the crystals in sunlight (don’t let it overheat! It could crack. Also, make sure it isn’t focusing light and heat onto anything flammable – this has caused fires)
Ø leave the crystal in sunlight and moonlight (this is favoured by those who like a balanced polarity in their crystal, but I consider you should check this with your crystal – if it also wants a balanced polarity, but has an excess of yang energy, it may want to be left only in moonlight)
Ø leave the crystals in trees
Ø place the crystals in salt water or sea water
Ø place the crystal under running water (I bought one crystal which I knew had been mined badly, and it was injured; I thought about returning it to the environment by placing it under a nearby waterfall, but just thinking about it for a few weeks before I could actually go there was enough to heal the crystal)
Ø putting the crystal on an amethyst bed
Ø place the crystal in water with a few drops of eucalyptus oil (particularly for some crystal of an Australian origin)
Clearing is done for as long as is necessary – which can range from a few seconds to a few minutes under running water ort a few days in trees or even months for crystals needing burial. The basic idea is to continue clearing the crystal until it feels “OK”.
Recharging is accomplished by contact with natural energies. Clearly, the natural light, tree and burial methods of cleansing automatically give the crystal a “recharge” as they cleanse the stone. Natural running water (especially a waterfall) and amethyst beds also recharge the crystal.
Your crystal is a form of life: all life deserves respect and consideration, so remember to treat your crystals like the friends they are.
3.2 Attitude to crystals
Crystals are a tool – a beautiful and effective tool, but a tool nevertheless. You should be working with the crystals, but not for the crystals – in other words, don’t become addicted to crystals as a crutch, or consider them to be a universal “cure all”).
Always respect people’s free will when they come to you for help – they may choose not to be in harmony with crystals, and that is their right.
Never abuse or misuse crystals – there are karmic returns associated with that, just as there are with other significant actions in our lives.
Most of all though, make friends with your crystals, and allow yourself to enjoy working with them – it can be a rewarding experience, and a doorway into another part of creation.
3.3 Buying crystals
There are two points to consider here: selecting a crystal, and where to go to get crystals.
In choosing a crystal, your feeling about that particular crystal is the best guide: do you like the crystal, do you feel comfortable holding it? (This may be perceived by some people purely as “the crystal looks nice” – it doesn’t necessarily come out at an emotional level, as it depends on what form any natural psychism is inclined towards.)If you do, it probably suits you – irrespective of whatever type of crystal you may have expected to buy. (There may also be times you are meant to buy a crystal you don’t get any feeling from – like the crystal I bought to heal.)
Pendulums can also be used to check the suitability of crystals (“Is it for the Highest Spiritual Good for me to buy this crystal?” is the question I would suggest using.) Pendulums can also be used to check the flows in crystals.
Places to buy crystals. There are quite a few shops around these days; warehouses are probably cheaper than retail outlets, but another very good source is crystal and gem shows (although don’t expect everyone there to be receptive to the ideas from this workshop) – and don’t discount going out and looking for your crystals.
3.4 Action plan
Something I have learned from motivation courses I did many years ago, is that any new idea not put into action starts being forgotten. It is worth taking a few minutes to think about how you use the information you’ve gained today.
[1] This is why I avoid describing yang crystals as male – women can be active and energising as well as men, and men can be calming and receptive as well as women. To use the association of male with clear quartz/yang and female with cloudy quartz/yin is, in my opinion, both inaccurate and – as it keeps old stereotypes going – sexist

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