Sunday 13 December 2009

Post No. 093 - The perils of Litha, and the blessing of trees

Well, it's nearly Litha. That means, of course, it's nearly Christmas, and all the rampant commercialism and greed which has overtaken that formerly pagan festival is upon us.

Now, all of my adult life (and most of teenage years as well), I have not been Christian. However, "Christmas" is a fairly strong cultural tradition, and I get caught up in the presents thing out of - when I was Buddhist - respect for cultural norms, and now, as an energy psychic (that came out of a realisation I made while at the Parliament of the World's Religions), for the sake of family relations. I try to be as constructive as I can about it, so, for instance, I may well buy a household a voucher so all the household members can work together an get something which is of benefit to everyone, rather than trying to buy each household member a present.

That also helps with the costs. Apart from my partner and her family, I have a father from my adoptive family, a mother from my birth family, three siblings, eleven nephews an nieces, seven great nephews and nieces, three step-children and nine step-grandchildren ...

Anyway, I did most of my shopping yesterday. It was a horrible experience.

I'm not a city girl at the best of times, and to be crammed in a crowded place with lots of people, almost none of whom knew anything about closing their aura (so they were broadcasting with all the strength of their emotions - and there are a LOT of emotions at this time of year) was very intense.

I have to also point out that this time of year is one that many people find stressful. It is NOT all "sweetness and light": many families have deep divisions or conflicts, and those make the forced getting together at best a mixed blessing, and possibly a bad enough experience to lead to the avoidance of further contact until the next so-called "Jolly" season.

Be that as it may, when we got home yesterday, my shields were loaded to the gills with negative, incompatible or discordant energy. I was tired, had a headache and felt ill.

Solution? Stand with my forehead leaning against a tree for a few minutes. I had so much crap stuck to me that I was shuddering as it was cleared, but it worked.

Trees to the rescue again.

I have been a tree hugger most of life, and am firmly of the view that we need to do some major reforestation for the sake of survival of this planet. I consider that every yard should have as many trees as they can fit in (which is something I find it strange that urban dwellers in Australia are averse to - although I can understand that aversion in the country, where the risk of bushfire changes the situation), and think we should also have "green roofs" on every possible building (which would help with insulation*).

I'd like to finish with another thought from the PotWR:
- every time we breath in, we receive a gift from the plants (oxygen)
- every time we breath out, we give a gift to the plants (carbon dioxide)

The plant world an the animal are in a symbiotic relationship. Sadly, that relationship has lost its balance ...

Love, light, hugs and blessings


* I am hoping we can get through the current concerns with carbon emissions ASAP, as we still have to address the issue of sustainability, which is only partly included under carbon emissions.

Tags: energy work, environmental, trees, protection, Psychic attack, psychic health, commercialism, materialism, Litha,

First published: Sunday 13th December, 2009

Last edited: Sunday 13th December, 2009