Tuesday 2 November 2010

Post No. 161 - How to know if I am mad (one suggested way, at any rate)

OK: the context to this post is the widely held (with some validity, it must be conceded) view that hearing voices is an indication of some sort of mental health issue. Now, before I go any further, I wish to state that having a mental health issue is NOT a reason for discrimination or making baseless assumptions. Amongst the people know and love who have mental health issues are a relative with Tourettes, a friend with Aspergers (and very good cooking skills) and a range of people with other issues requiring either medication and/or counselling and/or other care. For that matter, I have to take care to manage my stress levels properly, as chronic stress (predominantly workplace stress, in my case) can lead to mental ill health.


This post is not about mental health issues being "problems", but the notion that hearing voices is a sign of having mental health issues. The reason I am writing it is that I recently read (and I apologise for not keeping the source details handy) of a view that the way to tell whether you are clairaudient or suffering from mental health issue is that, with the former, you hear the voices inside your head, whereas with the latter, you hear them outside your head.

That's actually not quite correct.

From a psychic point of view, when your clairaudeint perception is of voices inside your head, it is referred to as "subjective clairaudience", whereas when the perception is of voices outside your head, it is "objective clairaudience". The overwhelming majority of my clairaudience is (as with my other psychic perceptions) subjective.

I have had moments of objective psychism - once when I was woken by hearing a voice in my room calling my name, and more recently a episode of rapping that I posted about. I have similarly had a couple of episodes of objective clairvoyance (once during my early training, when I saw one of Guides' sandals; another time many years before then when I saw the souls of those about me, great spheres of light, while sailing [1]). However, most of the time my perception is "inside me" - and is nothing the lesser for that, just as is the case with others: if you perceive subjectively, rather than objectively, there is NOTHING wrong with your psychic ability. Movies and books implying that you have to see as if they are so real and solid that you could almost confuse them with "real" (meaning physically incarnate and physically present) people are spouting a load of rubbish.

On the other hand, going back to clairaudience, objective examples of psychic ability do exist, and it is possible that you hear voices outside your head as a result of such ability. IN EITHER CASE, you must "test your spirits". NEVER take ANYTHING you hear from a non-physical source as having automatic credibility - as we should exercise a healthy scepticism in our physical lives, so too must we exercise personal responsibility and HEALTHY scepticism about our psychic perceptions.

Do you want to know if you have a mental health issue? See an appropriately trained professional.

Love, light, hugs and blessings


  1. On this occasion, the trigger was hearing a woman crewing on one of the other boats laugh, and a phrase from one of Richard Bach's books came to mind: "We are the otters of the Universe - fun-loving, playful creatures" (that quote is probably NOT exact, given the passage of a few decades :) ). At that moment, my eyes rolled up into my head (they didn't, on the other occasion) and I spent the next 30 seconds or so manouvering the boat through things like a few tacks with only the whites of my eyes visible. My crew seemed a bit wary of me for the rest of that regatta ...
  1. I sahould also mention that I actually can objectively see etherics under certain circumstances easily, but I actually consider that a fairly low level of psychism - it doesn't mean much, if anything.

This post's photo is yet to be posted.

Tags: sanity, mental ill health, clairaudience, subjective psychism, objective psychism,

First published: Tuesday 2nd November, 2010, the 3rd anniversary of my adoptive Mother's passing

Last edited: Sunday 7th November, 2010