Friday 5 November 2010

Post No. 163 - Working with Runes and Deities

I may have mentioned that I have set up some online shrines for the elder futhark runes at Nshrine - it's basically part of the process I have set up for consecrating a new set of runes I made myself. However, there are a few points I would like to discuss as a result of what I have observed and become aware as a result of this exercise.

First off: don't take your energy sources/allies/guides/"Patron Deities" for granted.

I think my use of shamanism, and my experience with crystals, has been very good at teaching me that you need to nurture your relationship with your tools (such as crystals) and helpers AS MUCH AS - if not more - you would relationship with friends, family and partner(s).

The sort of analogy I used to give with my crystal workshops is think of this much as you would a friendship: if all you do with a friend is ask them to do stuff for you, it is a one-sided relationship, and eventually the other person will get tired of it and go elsewhere. It is the same with your tools/energy sources/allies/guides/"Patron Deities": do them the courtesy of at least showing gratitude, and some basic management of the relationship.

For instance, do you ever send, or ask to be sent, healing to your guides - especially the ones who work with you to do healing? If not, why not?

With your crystals, do you ever send healing to the places that they came from? This is actually one of the early areas I started to work with this principle: as a kid, when I picked up "happy rocks", if they became unhappy I would take them back to be with their "family", wherever it was I had found them.

If you rely on someone to maintain the psychic protection about you or your place, do you share some of the responsibility by, say, doing some colour breathing [1]?

With my patron Deities, I try to regularly send them various colours for them to do with as they will. Going back to the online shrines at Nshrine, before I light a candle to make a request, I light one candle for the Entity/Rune/Energy/Principle I am going to ask to help me for them, for their benefit/use. (I do this when lighting candles in the physical as well: one for them, one for me.)

It is one of the things we may have lost through, culturally, losing respect for non-physical matters. The worlds of Spirit and Nature are not just hanging round waiting for us to bid them to do as we will; they don't exist simply for our benefit (does that make us, as a species, spiritual stereotypical teenagers? [2]). In fact, the sense that I personally have with every one of my Patron Deities is that I exist to serve them. So I actually regularly light candles, and have colour breathing sessions, that are dedicated to me doing what THEY want me to do for them.

And that was the other point I wanted to cover :)

Love, light, hugs and blessings


This post's photo is yet to be posted.

  1. I recommend that, as one of the exercises beginners should focus on, spending four breaths a day breathing in a colour (visualising it going down to the solar plexus), then, as you breathe out, allowing it flow out through all of your aura, flshing away negatiove or discordant energy as it goes. As a beginning sequence, try pink, blue, green and gold.
  2. I know that there are teenagers who are very evolved, just as there are adults who are effectively little more than teenagers: chronological age has nothing to do with the stereotype I am referring to.

Tags: Patron Deity, runes, gratitude, taking for granted, colour, energy work, personal characteristics, personal responsibility, society,

First published: Friday 5th November, 2010

Last edited: Friday 5th November, 2010