Friday 10 December 2010

Post No. 186 - Thurisaz

There is a Rune called Thurisaz, or "Thorn" (see image at left from my rune cards). The old rune poems warn that this Rune can be dangerous - I think Freya Aswynn said it could be like a nuclear bomb going off (metaphorically - or in a psychic sense). The best comment I've read (and I apologise for not having kept the reference) said that it was basically a warrior type of energy, and those who weren't comfortable with things like weapons and fighting would find this energy unnerving.

Well, I like the idea of spiritual warriorship, and such energies don't frighten me. I find it as easy and comfortable to work with Thurisaz as I do any other rune.

Recently, I came across a website which made the highly sexist remark that working with Thurisaz was "not good" for women.


That statement is sexist, misogynistic rot, based on the author's limited perception of what constitutes being female/woman (I make no apologise for not bothering to keep that URL - the site needs no promotion if it has that sort of rubbish on it!). My experience is that many people (including many women) tend to base such assumptions on what they consider attractive. (In the case of straight women, that usually means "what should be considered attractive by straight men", in my experience).

Women CAN be warriors, and that does not make them ANY the less female/feminine/womanly. Thurisaz is as accessible to women as men - although, mind you, both need to be careful about using the rune, just as they do any Rune or any other form of magic.

Remember, as the Christians say, "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions".

Magic can cause harm despite good intentions - and sometimes because of those good intentions, when people do not understand the complexities of a situation, or what is really happening. For instance, someone might see someone else putting up with an abusive person in their lives, and seek to do something to "make it better", perhaps not realising that the person is there out of love and caring. I know of situations where one partner has Alzheimers, which can have the effect of making one look older, and thus people have assumed that one of the partner's is "actually" putting up with a controlling parent long past the time when they should have moved out, not realising that the older looking person is actually a partner who is ill. So ... what happens in such a situation if the person does a spell to try and "help" the so-called child move out?

Problems with Runes and magic don't need idiotic assumptions around sex/gender to occur: we, the human species, are more than perfectly able to cause such problems in a whole range of other ways ...

Love, light, hugs and blessings


This post's photo is yet to be posted.

Tags: runes, energy work, magical devices, personal responsibility, sexism, discrimination,

First published: Thursday 9th December, 2010

Last edited: Thursday 9th December, 2010