Tuesday 14 December 2010

Post No. 188 - Meditation: first output

Well, I've resumed meditating, and had some interesting insights from yesterday's session.

Now, Alice A Bailey's books (which I hope to write a review of - in part! [1]) mention "permanent atoms" which exist on each level. These are not the atoms we know of in the physical: the term, is used in the sense (I think ancient Greek) of the smallest, essential component of something. In the Bailey sense, they are defined as follows (from the glossary of Initiation, Human and Solar):
Those five atoms, with the mental unit, one on each of the five planes of human evolution (the mental unit being also on the mental plane) which the monad appropriates for purposes of manifestation. They form a stable centre and are relatively permanent. Around them the various sheaths or bodies are built. They are literally small force centres.

So ... the Bailey perspective - to simplify grossly! - on evolution could be said to be that, in order to evolve, we have to manifest more fully our higher bodies. We don't "create" them, as that credit belongs to the source of the "permanent atoms".

Lobsang Rampa talks about this as well. From pages 11 and 12 of "Twilight":
... on each stage our body will be absolutely as solid as all those other bodies which are around us. We build up energy for a new astral body from what we are doing on what is at that moment our “Earth”, or the world of our physical existence, so that eventually when you get to the - oh, what shall I say? - eighth dimension, you will have to live in the eighth dimensional physical body while your actions and your life force will generate the ninth physical body which then, of course, will be your astral.

Now, this is all very interesting, but how does it relate to the cycle of involution and evolution of Wicca - or, more accurately, the Descent of the Goddess into Matter?

For those who may not be familiar with that, the concept is that we were all created as sparks from the Goddess and descend into matter (involution), after which we find our way back to unity with the Goddess (evolution - by the way, do you know that the word "Yoga" literally means "union", and this is most often interpreted as Union with Deity?).

So ... the permanent atoms of which Bailey writes would presumably have been created as part of the original Descent into Matter. But what of this creation of higher bodies?

Well, first, let's consider a couple of other matters.

Firstly, on page 286 of Stuart Holroyd's brilliant book "Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth", the following definition is given of Deity:
"A unified infinite intelligence supported by pure love and which grows with pure love"

Next, in the books written by the controversial Carlos Castenada, I think in either The Eagle's Gift, 1981 (ISBN 0-671-73251-X or The Fire From Within, 1984 (ISBN 0-671-73250-1), but possibly The Power of Silence: Further Lessons of Don Juan, 1987 (ISBN 0-671-73248-X) - my indexing hasn't got that far, I'm afraid, there is a comment to the effect that, upon death of the physical, we fly up and are swallowed by The Eagle, at which point our experiences become part of that greater whole.

So ... perhaps what is happening when we build our higher frequency bodies, is that, effectively, we are integrating our experience and knowledge into our higher selves in much the same way that our DNA apparently records past infections with various viruses [2].

This is a little creating a piece of art: your essence suffuses through every part of what you are creating. All that you have been through, all that you have acknowledged and integrated or overcome, all that you have achieved or left undone, all of that makes you what you are now, and, because of that, all your learning and experience are an integral part of the higher frequency bodies you create now and inhabit later, as you evolve, so on until eventually all your life story becomes part of the Universe.

Hmm. I like that. Do you?

Why? :)

Love, light, hugs and blessings


  1. I'm currently re-reading Initiation, Human and Solar
  2. See here, for instance, although that's not actually the link I am trying to find.

This post's photo is yet to be posted.

Tags: Alice A Bailey, meditation, permanent atoms, creation, evolution, levels, Castenada, Lobsang Rampa,

First published: Tysdagr 14th December, 2010

Last edited: Tysdagr 14th December, 2010