Sunday 30 December 2012

Post No. 422 - The Importance of a Bright Aura

I've been thinking, as I read, rest and try to recuperate, about our auras.

When I started my training, back in the 80s, managing the aura was an important part of the training - hence what I was taught about what we then called flaming, and what I now, to be clear, should get into the habit of calling "psychic flaming" - actually, even that could be misinterpreted: I better term this ... auric flaming (see the attachments to this post for more on that). Now, the emphasis seems to have shifted to chakras, and has lost a great deal as a result.

As I see it, chakras are where those parts of us that exist on other planes of existence manifest into this physical (and the etheric) reality; they help to sustain and activate us here, including to help us form a physical body. In the etheric level, just higher in frequency than the physical and lower in frequency than the astral levels (yes, plural), our energetic existence is largely in the same shape. For convenience, or perhaps out of laziness, our astral existence tends to also replicate the shape of whatever body we have for that incarnation. As we get further up the frequency tree, however, we tend to become more an amorphous shape of energy - a ball of light, is how I've seen it (first happened during one of my few moments of objective clairvoyance). The increasing "size" (a perception based on the increased energy of those higher levels of reality) and shapelessnes/sphericality of us as we move up the frequency tree, tends to lead to the shape of the aura, with it's multiple layers, the outer layers being more circular and more diffuse at this level than those closer to the surface of the body, where the discrepancy in frequency is less, and thus the perceivable presence is clearer. Net result? An egg shape with sometimes difficult to distinguish boundaries ..

Maybe that is one of the reasons that people have started working with chakras - irrespective of what level of reality your perception and psychic activity tends towards, at least everyone can agree where a chakra is, whereas with auras ... well, consider the situation where someone whose perception and activity is at, say, the mental level trying to instruct someone whose focus is at the astral level: teach says "close your aura", student does so at astral level, which teach either doesn't see or doesn't think is important, and says student hasn't done so, whereas student, who doesn't know enough to ... well, er, recognise the importance (or possibly even the existence) of other levels, say, gets all huffy at having done what they think think is a good job and being told off.

Of course, the real solution there is to start dealing with all those levels, but that's a bit of a distraction from my main point here (as is the cats having just knocked down a precarious stack of CDs :( ). At the very least, I consider that we should be acknowledging the existence and importance of auras. They're a key part, after all, of our psychic sensing, an integral part of our being and a major part of our interaction with the world.

That's one of the reasons I;m resting now - my energetic interactions via my aura have not been so good of late.

And that led me to thinking, and heading back towards a conclusion I mad back in my 20s: maybe the most important thing we can do in life, more important than any religious path, more important than any psychic development or learning, more important than an human rights activism or humanitarianism we do, is to get our auras to be as bright a source of positive energy as we can.

It means not necessarily calling on "greater" (stronger) powers than oneself, which can be limiting in terms of what one accomplishes, but that may make the risk of errors, of accidntally doing harm, less likely.

It also means that those who do wish to do harm would find themselves being blocked by more and more little balls of light ... and that's gotta be a good thing :) It certainly can, from my experience, be a good thing.

It's so important, maybe I should start a new movement: the Pathway of the Bright Aura ...

nah, just kidding :)

[1] BPF = Balanced Positive (spiritual) Forces. See here and here for more on this.

[2] Please see my post "The Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. 

Love, light, hugs and blessings

(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear")
My "blogiography" is here. I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue (see here and here), and it grew ...
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Those whom we cannot stand are usually those who we cannot understand P.K.SHAW

Tags: aura, energy, energy work, flaming, levels, planes of existence, psychism, purpose,

First published: Sunnudagr, 30th December, 2012

Last edited: Sunday, 30th December, 2012