Saturday 7 December 2019

Post No. 1,454 - Reading, a rant, and a ramble

The extent and savagery of the fires in NSW and Qld. are appalling - and we're now getting fires in other states, including my home state. The informed  commentary explaining why we should be taking climate action - and other actions - has been common sense and obvious - and I like the suggestion that we refer to these as "the climate fires".

Our (neoliberal) leaders have failed us; our fire experts, with respect, should probably have listened more to indigenous fire custodians; and we all should have been paying attention, caring, listening and prodding the hell out of whoever wasn't (including ourselves).

The smoke in parts of NSW is staggering. I'm asthmatic, and suffer from high pollen days. If I was living in NSW, I think I would have to get out (although not through airports).

So many things of concern - some of which I wrote about recently, but more since (e.g., this, and this).

Apart from that, my energy levels are starting to recover, so I may be able to resume the PWRs soon (if not, I should be able after the company I work for closes down for the end of year break). After a week that was wintry at times, we're now moving in to summer and have some hot days coming up. Our plants are surviving so far (I keep everything trimmed to a fairly small size - have a few more to do, but that helps with minimising exposure above fences to hot winds, and reduced demand for water anyway [it also, in a urban area, means I don't have to worry about trees falling and damaging neighbours' property - or injuring people: I love tall trees, but they should be in a park or have space around them - e.g., in streetscapes]).

On my political blog, I've been writing a series on "Ethics, Lazy Management, and Flawed Thinking": I've decided that, once I've completed a post I have underway on financial aspects, I will start work on turning that into an e-book. That will, however, will take some time, and I'll be working on getting the others completed and published first. (I have a few ready, but just need to work my way through the blasted e-publishing process.)

And on writing, here are a few articles that may, Dear Reader, be of interest to you: