Saturday 14 December 2019

Post No. 1,456 - Making the world a better place

Soon after POTUS45 got into power, there was a move to do a binding spell on him. I always thought that was poorly targeted, as POTUS45 has many nonBPM influences around him - physical (fundamentalist neochristians as well as others) and nonphysical, so limiting him is like partly closing a valve when there is a big head (pressure) of water behind it: the flow might become constricted, but what is left might also be more pressurised.

In terms of ethical issues, POTUS45 and others of his ilk are actively doing evil - they're causing harm much as a mass shooter does, but they're not as limited as a shooter is. Therefore, active nonphysical action to contain, neutralise and reverse their harm is required.

To be clear:
NO-ONE should try physically harming any of these people, as:
(1) such actions are wrong in this instance (police may have to shoot an "active shooter", as the yanks term them, for the safety of others, but that is different to this situation);

(2) it will not cut off the controllers / suppliers behind these people, and they may well find another outlet; and

(3) it will turn these people into martyrs for their nonBPM causes.
So . . . don't be stupid!

So, having got that out of the way, what to do?

Well, I'm always in favour of clearing nonBPM and strengthening BPM units, and I have plenty of information on that elsewhere on this blog. However, what could be useful here is some tactical/strategic thoughts.

Firstly, the mechanism for POTUS45, Morrison and others of their evil ilk (which includes all climate change deniers) to grab power is through voting.
The most powerful magickal tool for addressing the evil that afflicts the world is by strengthening voters, including their ability to think. 

There are guides on how to do that in the physical world, and there are often opportunities to do so in small ways, if you are prepared to take them. A couple of examples from my mundane life - at work - are:
  1. At a meeting another woman made a suggestion about how we could better work with regional offices. A few minutes later, a male made what was effectively the same suggestion, so I commented "Yes, that goes back to what X suggested." I didn't let the matter go without challenge - I didn't make a big song and dance about it, but I didn't give my assent through silence.
    As the great Dr Martin Luther King Jr. said: "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
  2. Several of us wound up speaking to a colleague about a concern he had on an ethical matter. He felt pretty good after that, and started talking about various non-work matters that he felt strongly about.
    He began with "more people are alive now than have ever lived". I said I used to think that too (actually, I didn't), but would look up a link I had at home which corrected that, and talked about the length of time that low numbers of human had existed (200-300,000 years). He looked up a link anyway, and conceded the point.
    So he launched into his next point (feeling put out at having been shown up by a woman, even though it was just the two of us on that conversation? He's made some very misogynistic remarks in the past), which was a claim that Australia was "welfare positive", by which he meant that more people took benefits than paid taxes - which is mathematically absurd. He gave Medicare as an example, saying he got benefits from the government for health. I was tired, distracted, and annoyed, so all I could think of was "I disagree that Medicare is welfare" - which I do, as I consider health care is a human right, but I really wanted to get back to work (I had a deadline coming up), but I didn't want to let the point go unchallenged. I stuck to my guns on that, and he went off to pester someone else. (Phew!)
I haven't been too impressed with the book "Nudge" by Cass  Sunstein that I'm reading at the moment (along with a dozen or so others - SIGH), but I'm only at an early stage of it: nevertheless, I agree with the concept of gently nudging people in "the right" decision - or, as as my generation termed it, plant a seed for further thought. The colleague I mentioned in the second example has changed for the better over the years, but the underlying bigotry, which I suspect is founded in unhappiness with his life circumstances, is still there. (And I could scream at the idiot who thought I would be happy to sit next to someone like that because we were of a similar age group.)

It is incredibly difficult to maintain an even keel when talking to someone who is actively spouting hate, but there is evidence that doing so will ultimately help transform bigots into better people (see also here).

I'd like now to consider two points from Paul K Chappell, and one from Amy Chua:
  • From Paul K. Chappell’s section on fear of human aggression (pp. 210 – 217) in “The Cosmic Ocean”:
    “. . . around 98% of people have a phobia of human aggression. Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman calls this the universal human phobia.”
    “What is more psychologically traumatizing, falling off you bike and breaking your leg, or a group of attackers holding you down and breaking your leg with a baseball bat?”
    (from this post of mine NOTE: Dave Grossman has subsequently turned out to be an evil purveyor of police violence);
  • This is something that is brilliantly demonstrated and written about by Paul K Chappell. As I wrote here, in “The Art of Waging Peace” (pub. Prospecta Press, reprint 2015, ISBN 978-1632260314 [Amazon]), Mr Chappell - in a section on listening, and how the target is to change the position of enough people, not all people - quotes the following comment by Leslee Goodman on how Mr Chappell was able to change the mind of a pro-war person:
    "I had lost patience with one such person after ten minutes of unproductive dialogue. Then Chappell showed up. He respectfully engaged my critic for a full forty-five minutes. Their conversation ended with the man thanking Chappell for listening to him and accepting a copy of [his book] The End of War. A few weeks later Chappell ran into the man and learned that he had read the book and had changed his mind about war as a means of ending terrorism."
    This point is also argued for by  Amy Chua in "Political Tribes" (Pub. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018, London, ISBN 978-1-4088-8154-5; Amazon; a review here), which I wrote about here, pointing out the impracticality - and others problems - of trying to get TGD people to talk to and convince every transphobic person in the world to stop being transphobic. There are limits, elegantly elucidated by the great Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. as follows:
    “It may be true that the law cannot change the heart, but it can restrain the heartless.”
    Nevertheless, when it comes to politics, the notion of communicating (keeping Zeno of Citium's admonishment that "We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say" in mind) is a worthy one.
    (from this post of mine).
So patience and persistence can help with transformation in the physical world.

It also helps in the nonphysical world, and that is where nonphysical work comes in. Read as much as you can on how to discuss matters with other people, and then, when going to sleep, form the intention, and ask your BPM Guides to help you do this, to find and discuss these matters with some of the POTUS45-Morrison "ilk".

It is important to also ask for BPM protection while doing this - including pre-clearing links etc when you can. In the physical world, "maintaining an even keel" for the sake of bigots can be incredibly damaging to those who are biting their tongue - and I can vouch for that from personal experience.

I've sometimes found it incongruous that I've finally got through to someone about not being a bigot, and they're happy and light-hearted and want to engage pleasantly, but they can't see how much pain they caused initially, they caused when I had to bite my tongue (metaphorically - it means refrain from saying stuff), and that they are continuing to cause by inflicting their presence without allowing me to go off, lick my wounds, and try to heal (see here) - and I may NEVER be able to do so to the extent that I can engage with them socially without reserve, worry or further damage. (There are also issues around lack of justice here, in that the reformed/former bigot has made no effort to accept responsibility foe the harm they did, and finds it embarrassing/uncomfortable to do so - which is factor from past colonialism/racism/slavery through sexism to child abuse.)

This was a particular problem with the Equal Marriage "debate" here in Australia a couple of years ago, and I know I and others are still suffering from the damage that was done then - I even read an article about it, but am not really in the headspace to go tracking that down.

None of that is being helped by the thoroughly evil Morrison "government" (theocracy) trying to enable religious  bigotry, which brings us back to physical events.

I'm going to list, as my second point,
take BPM physical world action. This is talked about in a whole range of areas, but I want to particularly note David  Salisbury's "Witchcraft Activism: A Toolkit for Magical Resistance" (pub. Weiser, 2019, ISBN 978-1578636570, Amazon), which "includes Spells for Social Justice, Civil Rights, the Environment, and More". This book has advice and suggestions on matters such as using magick to keep one safer while doing physical activism such as taking part in protests.

There are plenty of sources of information on physical world activism, but I particularly want to direct your attention to the following, which has been a useful guide for me since the 70s:

Never underestimate the power of writing - it's most likely to be effective when others are also writing, but occasionally, rarely, an individual letter can have a major impact.

Oh - and for those strange nations where voting is optional, show up! Exercise your right to vote that so many people died to give you!

more on magickal work.

Firstly, when walking or driving - particularly in my neighbourhood - or just observing daily interactions everyday, there are opportunities to use one's ability to help others - such as this.

Next, I don't always get them out at my target frequency of once a week, but my Psychic Weather Reports (PWRs) are aimed at coordinated magickal work to improve the world.

I had a version of PWR at one time when I used to include specific uncooperatives/locations to work on, but I haven't been able to do that (because of limited energy/time, or health problems) for some time now, but, keeping in mind the attempt to bind POTUS45 that I began this post with, and also keeping in mind the following, which I came across on Twitter here, but do not know the original source of:
together with a fair bit of commentary I've read on the role of the conservative media, an organisational behemoth I am going to focus on clearing is the conservative media spearheaded by the thoroughly disagreeable Rupert Murdoch.

This involves doing the usual clearing nonBPM and strengthening BPM units that are/could be affecting people at all levels of his empire - especially sub-editors, who do the most damage with their hate-filled vitriolic headlines, and the narrow minded journalists (some are good) who evidently have been drawn to his empire.

I may post more on this, but, in the meantime, here are two more points to consider on this.

Firstly, a recent article by John Beckett:
This continues his writing on the topic of magickal action at this time of the world's history.

And secondly:
  • "The Magical Battle of Britain Paperback", by Dion Fortune (Skylight Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1908011459, Amazon).

This book covers the magickal work that was done by a group of magicians during the Second World War - work that had a price in terms of poor health, even earlier death, it is suspected. For more on this, see here.

I think we know more, and thus can look after ourselves better, but that this sort of work is demanding is unquestionable. Looking after yourself is important, as you making a sustained effort is going to have a greater impact than burning out after a short period of time.

So, hopefully, food for thought.

PS - see also


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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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