Monday 10 February 2020

Post No. 1,496 - Responsible, Informed, and Ethical Influence

One of the key parts of my world view is that physical and non-physical can and do influence each other.
That can be a “good thing” - consider channelled energy healing (the broad classification that Reiki comes under), inspiration, etc.
In “The Power of Eight” (Atria [Simon & Schuster], New York, 2017, ISBN 978-1-501-11556-1; Amazon), Lynne McTaggart describes quite a few experiments which show this sort of effect. I’ve just read, in Chapter 16 - The Mirror Effect, of one such experiment where traumatised people were having their brain waves stabilised (technically, the alpha waves were being boosted). The recipient’s entire brain activity was mapped before, during, and after the experiment, with significant beneficial results.
That’s great - especially for the recipient, but also for the field of healing, as it supports what people have been doing for millennia.
But here’s the thing: such techniques can also be done to cause harm. Consider, for instance, a group of people who gossip against someone they don’t like. It is isn’t being done intentionally, and thus will not be as effective, but as that group of gossipers continues their evil trade, they will develop stronger affinity and union, and thus start to magnify the physical (think about lynching - especially those caused by social media rumours in South Asia) and social harm they are causing by causing what is effectively non-physical harm.
I am of the view that their victim, much like the recipient of the healing experiment, will show changes to their brain function and other physiological functions, but to the detriment, not the benefit.
The damage to their etheric, aura, and other nonphysical levels is even more dramatic - unless they know the fundamentals of psychic self defence.
I’m a great believer in people learning the fundamentals of nonphysical health, strength, and wellbeing - but ONLY if they are ready and willing.
Trying to force someone to consider or accept something they are not psychologically ready for is only likely to create barriers and set their progress back - in the psychic and spiritual fields, possibly by lifetimes.
Cast seeds for later, by all means, but do not force.
Sadly, we see enough of the negative reactions to things like climate change and human rights, which are areas where we cannot afford to wait for people to be ready, and thus there is a valid need for political action. In all these areas, inaction and reactionary behaviour is incredibly difficult to put up with, as is seeing someone harmed by psychic attack.
At least in the case of the latter, provided you do not interfere with the victim, you CAN actively stop the psychic influence of those doing harm, which is what most of this blog is about. Ethically, that is the psychic equivalent of police stopping someone on a gun rampage. I’ve written about this here.
OK, so that all seems fairly straightforward, doesn’t it?
Now what if the person being adversely affected by the nonBPM energy is someone detestable - like POTUS45?
There is absolutely no question that POTUS45 is evil, and is actively committing evil, and needs to be legitimately removed from power in a way that does NOT make him a martyr.
But there is a valid question about how to minimise the harm POTUS45 is doing in the meantime.
Physical world activism is crucial, and magick can and should also be used, but the latter should:
(a) be ethical;
(b) remember that the soul of POTUS45 will not cease after this life, so consider what is the influence of that magick going to cause that soul to be like in the next life;
(c) be aware that everyone has BPM Guides, and, whilst those around POTUS45 are not getting through, or are being drowned out by the nonBPM influences around POTUS45.
So  what do you do when angry with someone like POTUS45, or any of the other tyrants, despots, and despicable/incompetent people with power in the world?
Well, firstly, you do NOT deny your emotion: you acknowledge it, you examine and analyse it. (And keep in mind that anger is the way something else is being expressed, not an emotion in its own right - for someone following this blog, what is behind the anger may be something like awareness of injustice, combined with a sense of helplessness.) Then you work out how to USE that emotion - for instance, what is being expressed as anger at broad social wrongs can often channel into passion.
Next, I work at making sure my auric sheath is strong to minimise or prevent any negative emotion leaking out. That has been harder of late, giving an overload of problems, but I still try.
Thirdly, I find something to do - even if it is something that will not be realised until after my life - as John Beckett once wrote (quoting someone else): be like a speeding oak.
I now want to pose a question about the hate and vitriol being sent POTUS45’s way, which is something I have written about previously. When it is making things worse, do you let it go?
In actuality, my sense is that POTUS45 has so many nonBPM entities, physical and nonphysical, around him, it may not reach him, but it will influence those influencing POTUS45 - and it will, in their view, negatively strengthen those negative influencers and allow them to be stronger haters. POTUS45 and his minders clearly let a lot of that through at POTUS45's very Hitleresque rallies, and clearly thrive on it.
Unfortunately, for their ilk, this is a little like the Internet, where likes and dislikes both get bundled together and counted as “hits”. The evil despots of the world love adulation, but, like a child throwing a tantrum, they will gladly take anything negative as well and count it in their “adulation pile”.
The world is a big place, and thus changing things can take a long time. Changing how people think of POTUS45 would take longer than he has in political power, so what I am doing is actively weakening the nonBPM influencers around POTUS45, and trying to strengthen those BPM resisting POTUS45’s evil and POTUS45’s desperately struggling BPM Guides.
The opportunity to divert hate sent POTUS45’s way may be there from time to time, but I consider my efforts are better spent as I do.
What do you think?