Sunday 23 February 2020

Post No. 1,504 - Reclaiming power

I've been catching up in recent months with T.  Thorn  Coyle's "Witches of Portland" series, and am currently reading "By Sea". As usual, I am enjoying the magic and the activism, but I've just come across a scene where someone, in my words, reclaims the power of the runes from some bigots.

I have a long way to go in the book, but that scene alone has inspired me to think about reclaiming the relationship I have with the God Tyr and the rune Tiwaz, which was harmed by an arrogant, materialistic jerk in another state who had claimed Tyr for his business.

And immediately having made the decision, I can feel the selflessness and community orientation of Tyr and Tiwaz flowing back into me and my life.