Monday 10 February 2020

Post No. 1,498 - Aggression

Well, I've stayed off social media for years because it seemed to consume time and energy. Having now been on there for a small while, I can vouch for that, and also for the "shoutiness" and aggression of social media (the takedowns by people I am supporting are a particular problem), but also the support, and the breadth of thinking there. It is also a place not to change all minds - some are set in their bigotry, hatred, or fanaticism, and won't change; others will.

It is a place to learn of the breadth of views in humanity (go to research and learn more than to proselytise), and the desperate need people have for connection, support, and validation. This is not a place solely of logical debate: it is a place of emotional wounding & scarring, and healing. Solutions require more than just rational, logical, civil debate, they require emotional and mental healing - and that can't begin until we acknowledge the emotional and mental pain, wounds, and scars first.

And everyone's lessons are different - every person is unique, and so is where they are, and where they need to go. 

However, it is a high energy activity, and I have a seriously ill partner, my own health problems, a demanding job, and other projects, so I'll cut back my involvement, or possibly even leave altogether, and continue my search for a compatible community . . . preferably face-to-face.