Saturday 14 November 2020

PostNo. 1,700 - Various thoughts

I'm tempted to start any post named "various thoughts" with a stream of consciousness (e.g., cat, green tree, cloud of energy, chair cushion too thin / belt strangely too tight, my feet are cold do they need ugg boots, etc), but I won't because I would eventually get to Biden's probable victory in the USA (yay!), political problems here in Australia, and various family health matters, before diverting back to the indoor cat and the outdoor trees. 

Be glad you have been spared that :) 

More seriously, I've started listening to James  van  Praagh's YouTube videos more of late (nice energy which gives me a lift), and there is one I wish to review. 

Before that, however, I came across James van Praagh when he was described as a source for the TV series "Ghost Whisperer", which I found good in terms of awareness of survival after death (also see Victor Zammit), interactions between the levels of reality, and the rescue of cooperatives, but frustrating in terms of how uncooperatives were rescued - there was no obvious awareness of the ability and need to clear nonBPM  units, and those episodes were accordingly drawn out - very dramatic, so good TV, but bad rescue technique. 

The videos have shown good common sense and an absence of conspiracy fantasy - on the part of James van Praagh, at any rate: I'm not convinced of that as far as some of the guests are concerned :) 

So, on to the episode: "Tips to Reading Aura's with James Van Praagh". Rather than giving the sort of suggestions I would for beginners (I suspect that level of instruction would be available via the courses - for my suggestions, see here), this video set out a good system for examining the perceptions/impressions and details of the aura. 

The video is well worth watching for that alone, but I found the video also reminded me of, and boosted my use of, absent healing. During the pandemic, I've been doing mostly large scale clearing, protection, and re-balancing/healing, and I haven't had much energy for channelled energy healing, but this was a reminder that, particularly for family and friends, I can do some more detailed absent healing than I have been doing. 

It's too early to assess whether that will have an effect or not, but I appreciate the reminder - and the inspiration to lift my game somewhat by using a procedure (or system, if you prefer that word)

Please watch, and consider. 

Next, I want to move on to meditation (and mindfulness is a preliminary to meditation, not the other way round)

The video "Meditating with Sleep and Sleepiness with Mingyur Rinpoche" talks about what I would refer to as programming the mind for sleep state - in this instance, to continue doing meditative work. My experience is that this can work, but I've also found just doing meditation just before going to sleep and laying down to sleep while using intention to programme your unconscious can also work. 

In any case, it is a nice, healthy, and non-judgemental approach to this problem. 

I don't know what the rest of that channel is like, but I will look at it further. 

In the meantime, that is another I recommend for your consideration, Dear Reader. 

I'll end with a third for you to consider. The organisation "GreenFaith" is launching a series of events around the world this week to honour the Earth and people. For more information, see

PS - ONLY do absent healing with the consent of the person receiving the healing.