Saturday 14 November 2020

Post No. 1,701 - Posts from my Other Blogs

This week I have made the following posts on my other blogs:

Political Musings of Kayleen:

  • What next for the USA?
    POTUS45 is showing his incompetence as a human being by refusing to admit defeat . . . Keeping #45, a proven irrational, immoral, and vindictive rogue, within the bounds of decency will be the US Republican party’s duty, challenge, and final legacy out of these last four years.
  • Why can’t a woman . . .
    There is an infamous line in the play and film “My Fair Lady” where the main antagonist, the at-that-stage still misogynistic Professor Higgins, asks:
    “Why can’t a woman . . . be more like a man?”
    It was a patronising, paternalistic remark that sums up many of the problems in society - and I’d like to touch now on how that applies to engineering.
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  • Australia’s Watergate: The Dismissal
    I’ve started reading Professor Jenny Hocking’s “The Palace Letters”, about the struggles for Australia to gain access to a key part of our own heritage: the so-called Palace letters. Those relate the communication between Australia’s then Governor-General, John Kerr, and the Queen (via the Queen’s official Secretary , Martin Charteris).
    Professor Hocking’s examination shows that Kerr planned Whitlam’s removal and conspired secretly to that effect from before the supply crisis.
    I am now of the view that the Dismissal, the removal of an elected government in ways contrary to the applicable conventions (particularly the requirement of communication between the Governor-General and the Prime Minister), albeit a government that had become controversial and was heading for possible electoral defeat, could possibly be considered our version of the USA’s Watergate scandal - and, in both cases, it is the cover up that is of greatest concern.
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  • The ongoing active and malicious sabotage of democracy in the USA by POTUS45
    Given the uselessness and apparent lack of care for democracy and their legacy of the US Republicans, is it time for the USA's 25th Amendment to be invoked?
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  • Housing and voting turnout
    Sharing a house, unit or flat is NEVER like being in the TV series "Friends". The reality often involves household disputes and personality clashes, invasions of personal space, abuses based on misunderstanding of law (e.g., searching other people's possessions for drugs), and so on. Those people who do think sharing house is always - or even mostly -  a wonderful, or even a tolerable, experience, lack life experience. When they - and this includes politicians, economists, and other IPOCs who make assumptions about people's life housing cycle - consider it is permissible, reasonable, or acceptable to make housing plans on the basis of sharing, they become almost criminally inept, as well as morally incompetent.
    Here is just one of many problem stories around shared accommodation that have emerged from the pandemic.
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My online candles blog:

My (near) daily candles for:     (1) peace, freedom, democracy, human rights, justice, social equity, and good governance,     (2) those killed, harmed or affected by violent extremist attacks, atrocities or violence, and managing the risk of same,     (3) those - human and animal - killed, harmed or affected by disasters including the climate crisis and the COVID-10 pandemic,     and     (4) those killed, harmed or affected by bushfires,     are at: