Saturday 17 April 2021

Post No. 1,830 - Cross Posting: (Some) police and other subclinical psychopaths

This post originally appeared on my political blog at


This article on grave concerns about US police is in my weekly news post, but I consider it important enough to include as a separate post. In my opinion, it highlights the need for improved ongoing mental health support of (including rotating out of frontline duties as soldiers are rotated out of combat duty) and assessment (for increasingly hard line attitudes - which is a sign of psychological scarring, and thus unfitness for duty) of police. 

Subclinical Psychopathy And The Cops’: A Quick But Alarming Way Into George Floyd Murder Trial

Who else does this apply to? The sadistic manager in a workplace (and I am glad I have not had such for some years now)? The schoolyard bully (including "queen bees and wannabes") whose theorised victimhood is rated of greater importance than their actual victims? The petty bureaucrat in admin who is "obeying orders" to send victims of genocide to their oft protracted, terrifying and painful doom, drive citizens off social security, and enforce impossible workplace rules aimed at getting workers to work unpaid overtime? Police of the "EAD Hippy", bash pensioners or mock those with mental health issues variety? 

I've been thinking about the term "subclinical psychopathy" and consider it has a disturbingly wide range of application ...  

And, just as we now have decent managers who are actively opposing the subclinical (and clinical) psychopath managers, have always had whistleblowers calling out abusers of power, and have those who refuse to cooperate with - or actively oppose or undermine -  "just obeying orders" evil, so too do we - not just organisations or small societies, but "we" as an entire species - need those around subclinical (and fully blown) psychopaths to refuse to cooperate with, call out, and actively resist all acts, inactions and incitements of evil. 

We also need "experts" to stop minimising, dismissing or pretending this isn't an issue.