Sunday 4 April 2021

Post No. 1,817 - Dowsing The World’s Psychic Weather - Water: Lesson Nine - Interferences (Part II)

I’ve already covered this in Lesson Four, but I’d like to look at more subtle interferences now.

One of the best things to read on psychic interferences is Stuart Holroyd’s “Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth”. In that book, which describes a long series of mediumship (“channelling”) sessions, the author examines a range of possible sources of error - for example, what if the medium is actually detecting the thoughts of the sitters telepathically, and not the external (alien) intelligence that is thought to be the source of the communication? (Spoiler alert: the author demonstrates that telepathy is not likely to be the source of the communication - quite conclusively so, in my opinion.)

So, quite apart from problems I touched on earlier, such as personal biases, poor technique, or lack of practice, what else could be a source of error?

First up: non-intentional broad psychic influences - specifically, things like astrological influences.

It is possible to have a broad confluence of confusing or obscuring influences that make getting psychic impressions more difficult (not impossible - more difficult), or interfere with one’s ability to correct understand (“interpret”) the dowsing (things like being tired or worried about major life problems or being ill can also do that - which is more of a Lesson Four type issue), or how one communicates that (I’m always wary of Mercury  being  retrograde, and put extra effort into communication - including testing what effect proposed writing will have, when I can - under that astrological circumstance). I’m not an expert in astrology, lack the interest to become an expert, and have not found a site that addresses what I am interested in far enough in advance to rely on it, but the fact remains that such influences exist, and may necessitate extra care to ensure accuracy.

I repeat: may  necessitate  extra  care  to  ensure  accuracy - such influences do not make being accurate impossible, they make it more difficult.

If you can find someone who can give you a forecast of such influences, that is useful - it tells you when you need to take greater care.

What is of greater concern with regard to accuracy is malevolent or deliberate psychic influence - psychic attack perhaps (establishing and checking proper psychic protection is the first step in dealing with that - for more, see here [particularly the links] ), but, in the context of this post, egregores or group minds (particularly psychic “group think”).

This includes the limiting influence of the world view that one was given by one’s upbringing (parental, educative, peer and cultural influences). As an example of the latter, some 19th and 20th century archaeologists appear have assumed that smaller stature skeletons found in warrior style Viking graves were small men, whereas less biased, more modern assessments acknowledge that is quite possible they were actually women.

This sort of cultural bias is particularly apparent in the racist, sexist, and Abrahamic biases of most, if not all, of the occult / psychic / “alternative spirituality” writings up until the counterculture revolution of the 1960s (although quite a few biases have persisted … ).

A personal programme of concentrated consciousness raising (e.g., this, which really is quite superlative) is probably the best way to overcome that set of flaws.

Then we get to the nonBPM psychic egregores. I often think of this a s a bunch of psyches rampaging on nonphysical levels with non-physical pitchforks, looking to lynch anyone/anything that is different/uncomfortable/challenging. It ranges from, at the lower end of the strength scale, the manifestation of weak-minded fools seeking comfort (not truth, or accuracy) in numbers, through to violent, ideologically driven thugs trying to bully and browbeat everyone into their biases. The modern right wing extremist thugs who attempted a coup in the USA back in January and have performed mass murders and other acts of bullying are tuned into the remnants of egregores that have driven violent imperialists like Alexander the “Great”, the Roman Emperors, the Mongols, the British Empire, the thugs in Germany in the 1930s and 40s (who I refuse to name), and many others.

They can be frightening, genuinely dangerous, and sometimes disturbingly subtle and difficult to detect (this book will help with that): resisting them requires moral courage, intellectual awareness (this book will help on that), psychic skill (particularly in nonphysical health, strength and wellbeing), and personal commitment to being as good a person as you can (including avoiding lifestyle vulnerabilities where possible - or minimising or managing them if you can’t).

NonBPM egregores are a problem in far more areas of life than just dowsing, but there are also BPM egregores, and one of the ways of managing the nonBPM is to draw on the BPM.

If you can manage the egregores and other psychic influences in your daily life, you will be better placed to recognise and deal with any such influences in your dowsing work.

And I’m going to finish this post with reference to a particularly insidious influence: limiting caring to those close to you, or who you know, rather than on the basis of genuine need.


Past Lessons

Earth: First principles:


Water: Dowsing