Sunday 31 October 2021

Post No. 2,071 - Our garden

We have some sycamores in pots that originally grew in the shade of their mother tree at another place we lived in. Because they started the way such trees should - slowly, in shade - they didn't grow quickly, but they have a nice solid trunk. 

I also let them root outside their pots, so they can establish a mycorrhizal  network (see also here and here - we'll have to try to keep some of those if we move again), and also access a greater reserve of water than exists in pots - which means less watering on hot days when the water supply is generally under increased demand + healthier plants. 

To manage their water demand, I normally keep them to no more than around 2 m tall, which keeps them not much above the backyard fences in Melbourne, and thus reduces their exposure to the hot northerly winds we get in summer (and it also means if one falls or blows over, it's not going to do any damage - I love tall trees, but suburbia is not the place for them).

This year, however, they (yes, the trees - I communicate with plants almost as easily as crystals) have asked that I don't prune them as much - the side of the house where they are has nice moist ground, and their branches are shading the ground, which will help them in summer. I'll trim some of the tall growth off before summer, but not in spring.

We are also now out of lockdown, so I can go for more walks in the neighbourhood and start going to a nearby flora and fauna reserve I love (Gresswell), but I will also make a point of doing some of this walking in our lovely backyard. 

The fire and air crystals I created recently for the neighbourhood generally seem to be stable, and working well so far - the energy is good on this Beltane.