Saturday 9 October 2021

Post No. 2,048 - Magickal Battle of the World - Weekly Meditation - Lesson No. 75 - Attacks from within

Black Lives Matter!
The Climate Crisis is real, urgent and

Stay safe - wash your hands, practice social distancing and wear a face mask in public, and follow informed medical advice - and be considerate towards those at risk or in situations of vulnerability (including economic).

I have been writing about improving the world through a range of means on my blogs: this blog has been focused on spiritual and psychic means, including strengthening  BPM  units and clearing nonBPM units, and meditation to generate BPM energy (and units, if you know enough). This has been done before - particularly during times of crisis. (See also this excellent analysis on the topic.)

World War II was probably the biggest global crisis before our current situation, and during those terrible events, there were a number of people undertaking magickal work, including Dion Fortune - as outlined in the Gareth Knight edited book “The Magical Battle of Britain” (my copy pub. Skylight Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1-908011-45-9), which I reviewed here. Ms Fortune directed her team through a series of 136 weekly and 19 monthly meditations; at the end of this, she was exhausted and that work is considered to have contributed to her death, but a change for the better had been accomplished.

Coming back to the present, the climate crisis has been our World War III for some time, and we also have the COVID-19  pandemic, caused by the zoonotic  SARS-CoV-2  novel coronavirus (there are other novel coronaviruses), on top of that.

Now, we already have a lot of people doing a lot of work on making the world a better place (including before the current crises - and I’ve found this group working at following [and adapting] Ms Fortune’s techniques and purposes), but I would like to extend my contribution to also include a series of weekly - or near weekly - meditations along the line of those directed by Ms Fortune, work which goes beyond my initial response.

This post is this week’s contribution. 


This Lesson: No. 75 - Attacks from within 

Every normal human will have doubts and self doubt from time to time.

That is normal - that is part of being human, and is - in moderation - a healthy thing.

Excessive self doubt can be crippling - as I know from personal experience.

But I also know that lack of self doubt can lead to arrogance with effects the same as those caused by psychopaths, and that - from the broader point of view of society or the human species - is far, far, FAR worse.

It can be worse to the point of causing world wars and climate crises and endemic human rights abuses.

Some parallels can be drawn between an individual’s need for healthy doubt and self doubt to a group’s need for the same.

No or inadequate self doubt, and you can have blind loyalty aka group think (as some businesses still insist on).

Too much self doubt and you have self or internal sabotage - attack from from within, if you will.

My opinion is that the best “cure” for attack from within is:

  • prevention - lots of discussion, aimed at reaching consensus (and if that is not possible, possibly splitting or ending the group);
  • acknowledging that people change over time, and thus no issue can ever be said to be fully closed;
  • communication on the fact that people are human, and will make mistakes, and is best response abuse, or communication;
  • being mindful of personal flaws and thus not being hypocritical;
  • and, just to round things out, some more discussion on, say, how to create an environment where everyone feels safe enough to share.

Repeat as needed.

In my opinion, there is no need to try monitoring people or being inquisitorial - if that sort of actions are necessary, or are even thought necessary, the group has failed and should dissolve.

However, do keep in mind that people will change - it is part of the personal evolution known as growth that comes about as a result of being part of this sort of work - over time, and thus individuals may need to go off on a separate path. Wish them well, and let them go.

This week’s sigil is Unity.



Exercise AE- Oversight

Establish and check  protection, and then do your initial self-assessment.

Do your combined basic energy work drill, which is, as a broad summary:

  • Exercise A - self care (Week No. 46);
  • Exercise B - links (self work) (Week No. 47);
    Exercise C - links (partnered - whether physical or nonphysical) (Week No. 48);  
  • Exercise D - objects (self work) (Week No. 49);
    Exercise E - objects (partnered - whether physical or nonphysical) (Week No. 50);
  • Exercise F - energies (self work) (Week No. 51);
    Exercise G - energies (partnered - whether physical or nonphysical) (Week No. 52);
  • Exercise H - rescuing cooperatives (self work) (Week No. 53);
    Exercise I - rescuing cooperatives (partnered - whether physical or nonphysical) (Week No. 54);
  • Exercise J - rescuing uncooperatives (partnered - whether physical or nonphysical) (Week No. 55).

In addition to the skills directly practised, the partnered exercises have practised your ability to work constructively with others. Both sets of skills will now be developed (and pay particular attention to the skills in the lessons on proficiency, countering adaptations, and evolution [which included the “this course as a blog” links] ), but with a focus towards working in larger groups, which in turn have a focus on changing the world. These will be based on the Rangers of the Inner Plane, which is no longer physically active (other than me), but is still working on the nonphysical.

Something that I have envied when I saw it in others and been appreciative of when I could do it, is taking a step back and “looking at the bigger picture” - spiritually.

A lot of people use that as a tool to advance their social, political, or emotional control agendas, which demeans this particular device, but being able to do this spiritually can provide genuine strength, patience, and lead to healthy (BPM) change, in my experience.

Unfortunately, we’re all human, and that means we often tend to get caught up in what is in front of our face, or focus on the minutiae that we feel we can control - the easy, appealing, human things.

To take a step back requires detachment - not necessarily “faith” that “it’ll all be better in the long term”, but a willingness to at least hope you can cope with the short term problems you may encounter.

Being emotionally invested in the long term rather than the immediate is a rare human trait … one aided, I would suggest, by meditation and communication with one’s Higher Self.

In terms of groups, it is also important to be able to take a step back, and look at the broader picture (remember the manipulation used against the Jedi in the Star Wars film “The Phantom Menace”? As a test, how would you prevent that? I suggest taking a step back could be part of the preventative solution).

When I started the now defunct Rangers of the Inner Plane, I also started a separate group to provide an independent oversight. This is a little like a political system that creates a genuinely independent judiciary to oversee the legality of political decisions - it was certainly intended to be something like that. It was difficult to run, but had, in my opinion, the best potential for true, independent scrutiny.

Another option that I tried was having a position “Group Conscience” (in the overview group) as well as all the usual positions (formal leader, etc). The Group Conscience was to:

   “oversee the actions of the Grove with respect to compliance with its spiritual aspirations, including compliance with the Wiccan Rede. . . . The . . . , Grove Conscience and . . . do NOT have to be active members of the Grove, but shall be granted such access to the Grove as they require to perform their duties and must comply with the requirements applying to conduct of members of the Grove.”

I had the perfect person for that role, but it is extremely demanding, and does make participation in the group difficult. If I was doing that again, I would set that up as a position to be held for three months at most and then rotated to someone else.

I hope others may come up with similar roles and/or procedures and/or methods to ensure that a broader overview is applied to their group’s activities whenever it is needed.

By sharing that astrally, I also hope those attempting to do this sort of work will be able to ensure an adequate, independent, objective scrutiny of what they are doing and HOW.

Please note: it is absolutely VITAL that people in the group feel safe and comfortable having discussions of this type - and that includes people who are not verbally oriented, the people who do not feel comfortable speaking up or out.

Do your final self-assessment and restorative work, re-check yourself (get help if you need it), and then close your chakras, centre yourself and close your aura, use the banishing version of the LBRP to close circle, ground and release all excess energy; and make sure you are grounded and closed down - implement your Psychic Emergency Action Plan if necessary.


Previous meditations in this sequence are:

01. Introduction, definition of the problem(s), and Realisation;   02. Determination;   03. Together;   04. Caution, respect and integrity (aka cunning);   05. Momentum;   06. Insight;   07. Preciseness;   08. Progress;   09. Learning;  

10. Purposefulness;   11. Conciseness;   12. Measurement;   13. Faith;   14. Proficiency;   15. Alliances;   16. Countering adaptations;   17. Motivations of the nonBPM;   18. The humanness of the flaws that underlay opposition;   19. Undetectability;  

20. Evolution;   21. Perspective;   22. Wisdom;   23. Tradition;   24. The outmoded;   25. Persistence;   26. Discernment;   27. Paleo-emotions;   28. Inspiration (bringing out the best in individual people);   29. Inspiration (bringing out the best in oneself);  

30. Ally;   31. Inspiration (bringing out the best in groups);   32. Cooperation: the counter to subservience;   33. Humility: the counter to arrogance;   34. Imbalance and balance;   35. Spiritual opportunities from spiritual distancing;   36. The spiritual needs and opportunities of the climate crisis and the environment;   37. The spiritual challenges of entangled issues;   38. Knowing what changes need to be made now and on a long term basis;   39. How to find a direction for a constructive, evolutionary response;  

40. Knowing when and how to adopt a chosen direction / action;   41. How to work with the various levels and aspects of oneself;   42. How to work with the various levels and aspects of others;   43. How to work in a group or movement;   44. How to work in a group or movement at a distance;   45. How to work in a group or movement with ethics and integrity;   46. A central, unifying image;   47. How to avoid group think - or a nonBPM group mind / “egregore”;   48. The allure of power;   49. The challenge of servant-leadership in this unevolved world;  

50. Managing up - including spiritually;   51. The long term benefits of planting a seed;   52. The short term need of decisive, quick, and strong action;   53. Differentiating between short and long term needs - and finding a holistic solution;   54. Finding a more spiritual solution;   55. Finding a psychic solution;   56. Lessons from war;   57. Gathering intelligence;   58.   Astral undetectability;   59.   The battlefield - or psychic topography;  

60.   Preparing - building strengths and numbers;   61.   Preparing - planning tactics, strategy and grand strategy;   62.   Nonphysical allies;   63.   Other aids;   64.   Force concentration;   65.   Unity of effort;   66.   Reinforcement and reserves;   67.   Fire and manoeuvre;   68.   Clearing and healing in detail;   69.   Defence in depth;  

70.   “Hedgehog” defence;   71.   Manoeuvring;   72.   Direct contest;   73.   Flanking;   74.   (Ethical) distraction / deception.


The Meditation (see here, here, and here) broadly consists of:

(1) use appropriate and responsible techniques (see here, here, here), prayer and ritual (e.g., here) to establish and check protection (re-do the protection, or re-schedule the meditation, if you don’t feel safe and secure);
(2) establish a personal connection to your Higher BPM influences;
(3) visualise the sigil (see above) for this work. Think of what this work means for you as you do so, then, when you feel you have fully tuned in to the meaning of the sigil, see it as a portal or doorway (you could open it like a door [close it behind you], simply pass through it, visualise yourself shrinking and passing through the centre, or whatever else works best for you), and travel through to to a place created by the visualisation of yourself and others for this work. That place should have:
     (a) a visualisation of the workplace you personally prefer - something you can change, if you wish, as you yourself change;   and
     (b) a shared visualisation of a device to astrally share our knowledge, something developed in a previous project (still active astrally): a visualisation of a large, green, multifaceted emerald. Large: around half the size of the Moon; multifaceted - billions, for all people who wish to be part of this at any time; green - largely tied up with the previous project, but has connotations of nature and growth. One of those facets is yours - choose whatever location and shape you wish (and you may change that as you change [grow] over time), but in the interest of humility and sharing, see it at around human - or human aura - size;
(4) flush one’s aura with green (R0, G102, B0), blue (R0, G0, B204) and purple (R153 G0, B204);
(5) fill one’s Heart
Chakra (and maybe one’s Earth Star, Solar Plexus, Third Eye and Crown Chakras) with green, blue and purple; send a weave of three streams of this colour from the Chakra(s) to the visualised gigantic, multi-faceted emerald through your facet until you see your energy enlivening other areas of the emerald and can feel similar energies flowing back to you;
(6) visualise the rune / bindrune;
(7) generate  feelings of love, peace, joy and respect;
(8) strengthen those feelings (energies);
(9) radiate those energies to the world for nine to eighteen minutes;
(10) then, on Sunday, also perform the additional meditation work for around 15 minutes or so: contemplate the topic, and the spiritual (i.e., nonphysical) implications of it, and seek insights and understanding. Do not be distracted by thoughts of physical actions - those are necessary also, but this exercise is about the nonphysical, in the broadest possible sense, and the focus should be on nonphysical actions, energy flows, symbols, and the like, all with the intention of bringing about a change for the better. As a second stage, if you wish, you can meditate on any physical actions which may be necessary, but get the spiritually focused work done first;
        Also on Sunday, perform the exercise(s) as set out in this post;
(11) when you have finished your work:
        (i) send the thought of any knowledge you wish to store or share through your portal into the group visualised emerald;
        (ii) return back through the sigil;
        (iii) close your chakras, centre and ground yourself and close your aura, use the banishing version of the LBRP to open circle, ground and release all excess energy; and make sure you are grounded and closed down – eat, if you need to, or seek help from someone capable and trusted; and
        (iv) make sure you are yourself again - free of any
lingering attachments or (misguided) ideas of being subservient, respectful of yourself and your integrity as you should be of others.



Black Lives Matter!
The Climate Crisis is real, urgent and