Saturday 23 April 2022

Post No. 2,205 - Extra: elemental castings

When I have the time and energy, I like to add to the psychic weather reports by providing additional information. Today I have done this by two castings based on a rune and a Galactic Heritage card for each element (see and pentagram with extended associations below)., which I have then interpreted through a combination of rune or card meaning and that of the element. 

Today's result for that is:  


The runes indicate:

  • spiritual inspiration leads, in the physical world, to a wealth of thinking on social justice, passion for constructive change, and joy.

The Galactic Heritage Cards (you’ll have to buy the deck [see] or the app to see the cards) indicates:

  • don’t try too hard, be flexible and work with holographical / unitary concepts, using a balanced approach to self discipline, joy and work.

The pentagram with extended associations is: