Tuesday 26 April 2022

Post No. 2,207 - Elections and the Work of this blog

I just posted an article calling on people to approach voting in these times of uncertainty and fear over at my political blog - see https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2022/04/voting-in-times-of-uncertainty-and-fear.html

France and other elections have taken the more mature approach rather than that of fear, but other nations havent (e.g., Hungary)

For those who follow and attempt to apply the lessons of this blog (see reminder of main tasks below), every election is an opportunity to strengthen people’s connections with their Higher Selves, and do all the other work of this blog.

Pay attention to the news, and you will find many such opportunities.

Reminder that the work of this blog is:


  • BPM  strengthening of BPM units - some nonphysical, some incarnated people . . . and one of, if not the, best ways that is done is strengthening people's connection with their own Higher Self (which is possibly not what they interpret as their conscience).