Saturday 23 April 2022

Post No. 2,203 - Reading and other links

Im going to begin this with a reminder that the work of this blog is: 


  • BPM  strengthening  BPM units - some nonphysical, some incarnated people . . . and one of, if not the, best ways that is done is strengthening people's connection with their own Higher Self (which is possibly not what they interpret as their conscience).


Black Lives Matter! Be Anti-Racist, Anti-Sexist, and Actively Inclusive in ALL Areas.
The Climate Crisis is real, urgent and

The Pandemic is Real, and Vaccinations save lives. Stay safe - wash your hands, practice social distancing and wear a face mask in public, and follow informed medical advice - and be considerate towards those at risk or in situations of vulnerability (including economic) while the COVID-19 pandemic is a problem.

Having made those points, here are some links that you, Dear Reader, may find of interest or value: 

  • the DOD official responsible for obstructing UFO investigations has been fired
  •  a few thoughts on Human rights and the start and end points of humanity and what shows about us as spiritual beings - particularly in light of current foreshadowing struggles over nature and the climate and machine learning (aka artificial intelligence)
  • "a statement of the obvious: psychopathy and human rights abuses"
  • "Marx’s idea that societies were naturally egalitarian and communal before farming is widely influential and quite wrong";
  • the need to ERADICATE colonialism from our thinking when (scientifically) searching for extraterrestrial life
  • how to ask for help without discomfort or apology;
  • this weeks afterlife report
  • and finally, one of the great LGBTIQ+ allies of the LGBTIQ+ communities in my home state - a wonderful woman - has passed away. May she be blest for her compassion and hard work.

Given an alleged (anonymous) complaint (most probably Blogger's algorithms rather than a complainant - and possibly intended to stamp out things like mirroring but they were too cowardly and unethical to be honest about that) I apparently cannot re-post my human rights (and news) information for this week here. My human rights post for this week is therefore at