Monday 18 April 2022

Post No. 2,202 - A response to this week's Dreamland episode

This week's Dreamland podcast was about Dolly Safran, who is the subject of Preston  Dennett's book "Symmetry: A True UFO Adventure" (Amazon).

After listening to the episode, I bought the book, and found:

  • it has some stuff I relate to - such as immersive education, and cooperation & telepathy reducing the need for formalised governance for advance societies;
  • it has some stuff I feel isn't quite right - e.g., the timing of events on Mars, when language was developed, etc; and 
  • it has some vexed issue - in particular, the topic of catastrophic world changes. 

I found Whitley Strieber's comments here and here very apt (you'll have to go to the links) - particularly the comment to the effect that the changes may be of one's worldview, rather than the physical planet. That conclusion backs up some regrettable personal experiences I had in the 80s, where I eventually concluded such warnings were to ensure I was serious about my spiritual work this time round.

The experiences described in the book (e.g., that some ETs do eat and thus have to use the loo, but I suspect other ETs don't - which variety was part of the good stuff I learned back in the 80s) show some variety (which is something I have touched on previously - e.g., here). Mr Streiber's comments (here and here) on this are also very apt.

There was one comment about not causing fear that I disagree with: at higher frequencies of existence, destructive fear does not exist, true, but we don't get there by suppressing and denying negativity (which is more than only fear): we get  there by doing our shadow work, and by being balanced and avoiding toxic positivity.

Also, in response to the comment that the length of day isn't shrinking and asking why ETs would need human pilots, I would point out that: 
  1. the length of the day on Earth does actually change, but by milliseconds per century (see here), and thus this may well be a misperception in response to information that was presented in a way that was possibly exaggerated to make it apparent (there can also be flawed thinking - see here for an example). It is also far from covert; and 
  2. in wars and when responding to crisis, there is a need for equipment, but there is also a need for sufficient operators. One of the biggest problems the Brits had during the Battle of Britain was getting enough pilots - planes could be rebuilt fairly quickly, but the only way they could get enough pilots was by reducing the length of training . . . and allowing pilots from other nations, some of whom the British were initially suspicious of, to fly combat sorties.
    ETs training human pilots in advance of a major event would simply be sound logistics.

My posted comment on the episode, which was mostly focused on Whitley's introduction, is at

PS - the role of right wing conspiracy fantasists who also support bigotry is an example of both the risk that mentally unbalanced people can become involved in this area, and the dangers such extremists pose to other people - both in this area, and outside it, when considering the victims of their bigotry. See also this