Tuesday 1 November 2022

Post No. 2,304 - Reflections on ... alcohol [Content Warning: alcholism, violence, toxic personalities]

I grew up in second-half-of-the-20th-century Australia, when - unbelievably - drinking to excess and being drunk was thought to be cool”.

It wasn’t. 

The driving death toll was horrendous, and was known to be horrendous.  

The domestic violence toll was horrendous, but wasn’t known to be horrendous.

The psychic damage was horrendous, and still isn’t known to be a horrendous problem. 

The psychic damage from drinking to excess includes all the damage to auric structures that all hard drugs do, along with becoming open to obsession/possession/negative psychic control/crowd mentality, and uncontrolled confrontation with whatever shadow work one hasn’t done - misdescribed in older psychic/occult literature as having problems with “base/lower/debased” urges (a description which reflects the sex-negativity of many of those people who were writing in the Middle Ages/Victorian era).

For me personally, I got drunk a couple of times, and started to wonder what on earth for? 

There is nothing pleasant about it - and once I started serious psychic work, I had personal experience of being vulnerable to psychic attack, and that was enough for me. I'm not a complete teetotaller, but I might have a small drink once every two or three years, and that has been the case for a couple of decades now (with around four decades since I last drank to excess).

I later lived for a few years with a group that included alcoholics, and watching normally decent, caring people go off the rails was disturbing - one even wound up on police charges. 

So to every braggart who claimed they were “tough” or “mature” or whatever other macho/“alpha personality” flavour of rubbish they were also addicted to ... 

 ... no, youre not. 

You’re just someone who has allowed themselves to be socially conditioned and/or will sell their credibility/decency/soul for a tiny bit of togetherness, no matter how desperate that is, no matter how nonBPM the people you are associating with, no matter what risks you create for others, and no matter what psychic and other damage you cause yourself. 

Sometimes people are attempting to get enough space from a problem through blocking it out - whether by using alcohol or some other drug.  If it keeps them alive long enough to deal with the problems - well, it’s a solution, or the first and utterly vital step of a solution. 

But apart from those people, unless you are a genuine alcoholic (in which case you have become an addict, and need competent medical help - but the majority of drunks I’ve seen in this life are not alcoholics: they’re heavy to the point of excessive social drinkers, and they damage themselves, their socialising, and - too often - other people), you are unthinking fools. 

PS - see also https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/nov/07/like-the-air-i-breathed-alcohol-was-unquestioned-in-my-life-i-gave-it-up-but-still-felt-pressure-to-drink?CMP=opinionau_email


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