Wednesday 8 February 2023

Post No. 2,370 - The curse of the rat race

All my life since I became a teenager I have cursed what has been termed “the  rat  race” - the pressure and expectation of a lifestyle that has been infested by social engineering (see here, for instance, on that point) enacted through religious proselytising that people should always be “busy”, that the natural world had to be “made productive”, and anyone who wasn’t subservient to those twisted impositions was somehow “bad”.

Well, let me be clear:

  • the utterly evil and despicable “must always be busy” indoctrination has turned people into mutually self-controlling sock puppets of rich and powerful  elites;
  • making the natural world “productive” has created the climate crisis that threatens to bring the extinction of all of us - even the rich, powerful, and arrogant; and
  • the social control of people has been the foundation and mainstay of many, if not most (or even all) forms of bigotry.

At approaching, or am at, my latter years, and look back on a life driven by social and socially-created-and-enforced economic pressures, and I see NOTHING to admire in any of it, and plenty of damage done by those pressures and social attitudes.

I started my adult life with the view that we need simpler, slower, more human-focused and inclusive/flexible-on-lifestyle-options lives (see, for instance, this), and I am finishing it with that view strengthened. 

Reject the Rat Race!

Live simpler, slower, minimalist lifestyles without the consumer c**p (especially not the big, flashy, unsuited for the climate crisis houses that many people choose to exist in).

Avoid lifestyle vulnerabilities, don’t go along with the crowd unless your careful, independent and objective thinking says that is OK, and always strive to be ethical, humane, and kind.

Earn your income in a way that is ethical – be even careful of service organisations that are for-profit, as they can become ethically contaminated by survival crises (the for-profit part is only a problem if the company is run by money-hungry sociopaths – and they’re far rarer than many people think: most people in such organisations actually mean well, but life unexamined lives).

Be a human being, not a human doing


Possible flaws 

Where I can, I will try to highlight possible flaws / issues you should consider:

  • there may be flawed logical arguments in the above: to find out more about such flaws and thinking generally, I recommend Brendan  Myers’ free online course “Clear and Present Thinking” 
  • I could be wrong - so keep your thinking caps on, and make up your own minds for yourself.

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Finally, remember: we need to be more human being rather than human doing.