Sunday 16 April 2023

Post No. 2,419 - Clearing nonBPM influence from those who have been unwillingly/unwittingly affected

One of the things that is often discussed when considering the state of the world is influence

Influence comes in many forms - access to advertising/media as a mouthpiece, peer influence, etc, and all of these can be either beneficial, neutral, or toxic. An example of the latter is the toxic masculinity influence of the person who was arrested in Romania fairly recently. 

Now, their physical level influence is vile and evil enough as it is, but such individuals often come with a group of nonBPM nonphysical entities, egregores, energies, and other units - some of which is used to control the physical mouthpiece (to which extent they are a puppet), and some of which is pushed into the auras of their targets (i.e., victims) - which is a form of psychic attack.

These nonBPM energetic influences do NOT require any of the old fairy tale story rubbish about line of sight or physically seeing the eyes of people: it can be done over the Internet, which is something Ive been warning of for decades now. 

The good thing is: BPM energetic influences can also be done over the Internet - and also by some old fashioned etheric and astral patrolling, if you are good enough with your psychic protection and sensing (a high level of conscious communication with BPM  Guides is essential).

Ive hinted at this with the short stories Ive written about the Rangers of the Inner Plane over at my creativity blog

All of which is leading up to the point I wish to cover here: 

because these influences have been pushed unwillingly into the auras of their targets, they are not as rigidly adherent as those energies associated with internal problems of the targets (and those will exist, as they provide a weakness that was probably exploited by the attackers), which means they are relatively easy to remove

The internal weaknesses are matters those people (theyre not all cisgender male, incidentally) have to deal with themselves, but the other category of nonBPM units arent: as mentioned, Ive found, while patrolling, such units can be removed and cleared fairly easily by simple tools such as BPM energy tornadoes (I like gold light, but that is partly because Im visually oriented - sounds, scents, etc could also be used - and other colours)

Finding those people is fairly easy as well: my perception of them is that theyre sensed as labouring under a pile of foul rubbish - a pile much higher than them, large enough to obscure the entity at the centre. 

Removing it results in a detectable psychic sigh of relief - at which point I back off, as I have restored them to a neutral or balanced situation where they can start to deal - or not - with their own problems, free of untoward influence. 

Finally, on a slightly different note, I have adapted the stream of pentagrams idea from here by preloading them into my auric defences, so that is someone attacks me psychically, the stream will be released - almost as if theyre the nonphysical equivalent of spring loaded. For more on that, follow the link above on protection.

Assumptions / basis 

In writing this, I have assumed / started from the following: 

Possible flaws 

Where I can, I will try to highlight possible flaws / issues you should consider:

  • there may be flawed logical arguments in the above: to find out more about such flaws and thinking generally, I recommend Brendan  Myers’ free online course “Clear and Present Thinking” 
  • I could be wrong - so keep your thinking caps on, and make up your own minds for yourself.


If you appreciated this post, please consider promoting it - there are some links below. 

Finally, remember: we need to be more human being rather than human doing.