Monday 24 April 2023

Post No. 2,426 - creating new energy channels

I had an interesting experience during last weekends CE-5 meditation. 

These meditations typically involve me astral travelling to a particular craft, and then we all work together to heal/strengthen and/or clear earth energy and ley lines, mostly in the south east Australia and the Murray-Darling basin area. With last weekends meditation, we travelled to a different part of Australia, and started creating channels for energy to drain nonBPM away from places that needed protection/healing - and to cut off flows of nonBPM from entering those places.

I have subsequently realised this could also be done in the human body - create new (temporary thought forms, in effect) channels to drain disharmonious energy away - e.g., from any pain etc we wish to lose, or even areas we want to lose fat build ups (I am thinking particularly of internally - and I have found energy work does NOT remove those on its own: you also need to do the diet and exercise stuff doctors advise us to do) which Ive found is often loaded with nonBPM energy such as stress etc. 

The channels can direct the energy to places where it will be eliminated from the body - kidneys or large intestine (small intestine is about absorbing nutrients).

It also works the other way, in that it is also possible to create new channels to direct harmonious /BPM / healing energy from, say, a particular chakra to areas that need it - such as stiff muscles/joints. 

Again, the energy work is not enough on its own: you also need to follow medical advice.


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Finally, remember: we need to be more human being rather than human doing.