Wednesday 5 April 2023

Post No. 2,409 - Blows and salves

After a friend of mine was assaulted twice in four days (thanks in good measure to emboldening right wing extremists - see here), it was nice to have a taxi driver today who was pleasant and personable - a lovely gentleman from Somalia who, it turns out, was serving in the Somali army (compulsory service) at about the same time one of my brothers-in-law was serving there in the SAS. We didn't talk about that time and those events, but he was still a decent human being (as is that brother-in-law - and the other one) and we had a good chat about family and sundry other matters.

It was a pleasant interlude after the other events of recent days - and, in fact, the last month.

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Finally, remember: we need to be more human being rather than human doing.