Saturday 27 May 2023

Post No. 2,450 - Reading and other links [Note: Content Warning for news links - reader discretion is advised]

Im going to begin this with a reminder that the work of this blog is:


  • BPM  strengthening of BPM units - some nonphysical, some incarnated people . . . and one of, if not the, best ways that is done is strengthening people's connection with their own Higher Self (which is possibly not what they interpret as their conscience).


Black Lives Matter! Be Anti-Racist, Anti-Sexist, and Actively Inclusive in ALL Areas.
The Climate Crisis is real, urgent and

The Pandemic is Real, and Vaccinations save lives. Stay safe - wash your hands, wear a face mask in public if prudent to do so, and follow informed medical advice.

We also need to be more human being rather than human doing. 

Having made those points, here are some links that you, Dear Reader, may find of interest or value (articles by others unless stated otherwise):

  • “yoga instructor sets out to decolonise yoga ... aims to draw awareness to yoga’s spiritual roots, as a way of life rather than a sport, criticising the ancient practice's commercialisation” (Deutsche Welle newspaper); 
  • parental burnout (The Conversation newspaper); 
  • in an indictment of Western, white Anglos-Saxon neochristian culture “as support for the four-day working week grows, we wrestle with the culture of achievement and busyness, and feelings of guilt and accountability” (The Guardian newspaper)
  • an article on being an Earth empath; 
  • an article on bush medicine;
  • my thoughts on:   “a brief commentary on power, serving communities, and communities;   aged care;  
  • from Medium this week:   the myth of perseverance porn;  
  • this weeks afterlife report by the Zammits

In preparation for tomorrows psychic weather report, I do a weekly summary of news links - every one of which is an opportunity to do the work of this blog, which I outlined at the start of this post. Before I get in to that, a CONTENT WARNING - some of the news links are about upsetting, disturbing or triggering events & attitudes. Seek competent help - including professional - if you need it. Content shown in green (which may be only part of a news story) is about what is generally considered good news”, but personal history may still make such events triggering. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that linked articles may contains names and/or images of deceased people. Reader caution is recommended. For anyone distressed by anything in this post, or for any other reason considering seeking support, resources are available in Australia here, here, and here. In other nations, you will have to do an Internet search using terms such as mental health support - <your nation>” (which, for instance, may lead to this, this, and this, in the USA, or this, this, and this, in France [biased towards English-language - my apologies]).  

The news post can be accessed at: 

One part of the post covers natural and other disasters, which are always an excellent opportunity to do the work of this blog, so I will copy that section here: 

  • on NATURAL and OTHER DISASTERS (noting Article 1(3) of the UN Charter) including COVID-19 AND OTHER PANDEMICS
    •  a major tech companys machine learning flood hub now covers 23 nations (News 24);   the cyclone that devastated South Asia has left a major need for humanitarian aid (UN);   “more than a million Somalis have been displaced within their own country in just over four months through a toxic mix of drought, conflict and floods” (News 24);         cholera continues to claim lives in Africa (AN);         “following widespread diversion of lifesaving food aid in Ethiopia last month, the World Food Programme has strengthened safeguards and controls in a bid to prevent further misuse (UN);         a football stadium crush has killed at lest a dozen people in El Salvador (AJ);   “Guyana school fire that killed 19 was lit by student angry over confiscated phone” (ABC);  

Another part lists a few key points from the news, which are also an excellent opportunity to do the work of this blog, so I will also copy that section here: 

  • the dangers to decency that russia poses have been prominent this week, as is the continuing deterioration of decency in the USA. Elsewhere has been mixed - some acts of decency, including in the form of accountability, as well as some continued losses to right wing extremism, such as fascism, and the powers backing/controlling them;
I generally do the PWRs on Sunday in Australia, with an aim to get it online by 8pm on the Australian east coast - which, in the southern winter, is midday in Geneva, 11am in London, 6am in New York, and 3am on the US west coast.

If you appreciated this post, please consider promoting it - there are some links below.

Vote Yes for the Voice in Australia.  

Finally, remember: we need to be more human being rather than human doing.