Friday 12 May 2023

Post No. 2,438 - The pendulum is swinging

Decades after some evil people created and unleashed neoliberalism, the ultra-elitism of the ultra-wealthy, and christo-fascism on the world, thereby enabling the return of fascism and other -isms, there are signs (such as #45 finally being successfully held to account by a brave woman) that the pendulum is starting to swing the other way, towards BPM caring and decency - not that things have actually reached a state of BPM caring and decency, only that we are no longer travelling rapidly away from those states, and some parts of the world are starting to move towards BPM caring and decency.

Several things become important now: 

  • continue to slow the pendulum swing away from BPM caring and decency by continuing to hold abusers to account, and, for those who read this blog regularly and apply what I write about, continuing to do the clearing work of this blog;
  • encourage the social pendulum to swing towards BPM caring and decency by continuing to live those values and doing the  BPM   healing and BPM  strengthening work of this blog; 
  • avoiding the trap of gloating or being vindictively vengeful - the people behind the evils in the world will not be extinguished from existence, and, much as people who killed by state executions often return in their next incarnations angrier than before, may be pushed into being more stubbornly evil by being subjected to such behaviour.
    Conduct yourself with relief, by all means - even celebration, and continue to pursue
    BPM accountability and justice, but be wary of making it harder for those wrongdoers to see the BPM as something that is good ... and being mocked is something that makes exactly that error, as all the mocked person sees is nonBPM emotional vengeance. Why on earth, given that and the distorted views they already had, would they appreciate being BPM?
    Furthermore, this just sets the world up for the pendulum to swing out towards the opposite extreme (see
    toxic positivity, spiritual bypassing, etc), and recreate our problems but with a different slant.

In writing that, I know there is healing to be done - and that includes on oneself, which is something I write as someone subject to several -isms, particularly by those parts of the world that are still swinging to the extreme of hate, fear and intolerance. As I said in a recent speech at work, be kind - including to yourself.

If you appreciated this post, please consider promoting it - there are some links below. 

Finally, remember: we need to be more human being rather than human doing.