Friday 30 June 2023

Post No. 2,488 - We had an earthquake last night

We had an earthquake last night: I didnt notice it (actually, Ive now realised I heard a crash as if something had fallen over - just as I had the last time we had an earthquake ... I couldnt find anything that had fallen over [same as last time], so ... was that a physical or a psychic noise?), but after that time I couldnt sleep for quite a while and was generally out of sorts.

At the time, I attributed that to being on the receiving end of discrimination yesterday, but after learning about the earthquake, I wondered if that had played a role as well. 

I decided to try to do some research, and found almost every single site I could find was either ultra-commercial, dedicated to superficial views of spiritual growth, rabidly addicted to conspiracy fantasies/tabloid trash styles, rabidly and unbalancedly sceptical, or stuck in a spiritual adolescent stage of hey - does this exist for real?!

A few years ago I found games players were clogging up sites; now - as commented by others in recent days on a range of sites - it is paid ads ... and the other rubbish. 

The only decent information I could find was from “Supernature: A Natural History of the Supernatural by Lyall  Watson (pub. Sceptre, 2013, ISBN 978 1 444 77857 1, first pub. Hodder & Stoughton, 1973; Amazon)

from location 1328:

"But it has now been discovered that an earthquake is also accompanied by, and preceded by, periods of low-frequency vibrations that fall into the range from seven to fourteen cycles per second. These start minutes before the first obvious shocks of the quake itself and provide an early-warning system to which many species seem to respond. The Japanese, who live right on a fracture system, have always kept goldfish for this reason. When the fish begin to swim about in a frantic way, the owners rush out of doors in time to escape being trapped by falling masonry. The fish have the advantage of living in a medium that conducts vibrations well, but even animals living in the air are able to pick up warning signals. Hours before an earthquake, rabbits and deer have been seen running in terror from the epicentre zones. Some people, particularly women and children, are also sensitive to these frequencies. The fact that the frequencies coincide with those that make people disturbed and ill would account for the wild, unreasoning fear that goes with an earthquake."

So yes, our state of being could have been adversely influenced by a relatively minor earthquake.

And it wasnt helped by having to go back to a book from the 1970s to get what should be readily available online. 

PS - after publishing the above I found, from a couple of years ago, which focuses on animals possibly picking up foreshocks - which I suspect are the same or similar to the vibrations Lyall Watson wrote about. I also subsequently found, and


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