Tuesday 6 June 2023

Post No. 2,457 - Breaking news: whistleblowers have gone on record that the USA and other governments have “craft and materials of unknown origin” + commentary

This is not intended to be a breaking news site, but following past historic events such as: 

  • Stephen Greers 9th May, 2001 media conference (see here)
  • the 27th September, 2010 media event organised by Robert Hastings (see here, here [which links to here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here]), and 
  • the 16th December, 2017 reporting (see here and here & here [latter two are behind a pay wall]) that led to the US Congress enacting legislation to compel investigations of UFOs aka “UAPs”, 

Whitley Strieber has reported that: 

“Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal Drop an A-Bomb in the Debrief: Intelligence Officers go on the Record: We have Craft and Materials of Unknown Origin” - see https://www.unknowncountry.com/headline-news/leslie-kean-and-ralph-blumenthal-drop-an-a-bomb-in-the-debrief-intelligence-officers-go-on-the-record-we-have-craft-and-materials-of-unknown-origin/ 

The original article is on The Debrief website at https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-officials-say-u-s-has-retrieved-non-human-craft/, titled Intelligence Officials Say U.S. Has Retrieved Craft of Non-Human Origin
(Part 2 subsequently published here) 

There is also: 

  • a fact check on The Debrief website here , labelled Part 1, with Part 2 to be published soon (Part 2 here, Part 3 here);
  • a preliminary backgrounder on the Need to Know YouTube channel, at https://youtu.be/rQjbFZT9_EM, which foreshadows more in-depth interviews and other whistleblowers - and criticises mainstream media as well as raising issues of possible misleading of the US Congress. 

PS - some of the comments in the YouTube video show a possible lack of appreciation/understanding of the importance of social matters, and reflect a bias (flaw) that  I have come across in people in the UFO/UAP/ET field: society is made up of social beings, and the work of beneficial ETs is aware of that - the technology is a tool, but one that must ONLY be used with an awareness of people's human (social) needs. 

PPS - subsequent news links on this include: 

PPPS - ... *sound of crickets * ... and eventually one mainstream media outlet picks the story up: 

PPPPS - additional reports and analysis: 

Additional commentary 

I've added some links to the past events I mentioned above (it was late here when I wrote the first part of this blog)

The main point I wish to emphasise here is that spiritual evolution (often diminished to raising or broadening of consciousness, which is a key part of this - but it is what one DOES with the improved consciousness that matters [see here, which includes a discussion on spiritual being vs. spiritual doing]) is a key driver behind the UFO/“UAP”/ET phenomenon/field. 

My definition here is: 

For the time being, see "Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth" and "Post No. 2,352 - the ET/UFO/UAP field", which has links to as many of my relevant posts as I could find at the time (plus some commentary).

In Post No. 2,352 I include the following: 

... also yesterday I came across Paul & SyAnn  Hamden, who portray Zetas in a positive light, but not all greys. 

That sort of nuance is something that crops up with others I respect - even if with qualifications - in this field. 

Ill give some links below, but please note that I am active in the CE-5 movement, consider ET Lets Talk probably one of, if not the, best groups in this area, have started using Stephen Greers meditations, and consider Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth and the writings of the misogynistic and homophobic Lobsang Rampa to still be some of, if not the, best writings on this topic.

The evidence/testimony being currently disclosed aids with trying to force governments to provide better governance, and aids with materialists, yet it is but a small part of the overall, which has the stronger, more important focus on being caring, responsible (including caring for our planet), and decent sentient beings, and aiding/allowing others to also be the same (including getting rid of poverty - beginning with myths that victim blame poor people - and discrimination).

If you appreciated this post, please consider promoting it - there are some links below. 

Vote Yes for the Voice in Australia.  

Finally, remember: we need to be more human being rather than human doing.