Monday 1 April 2024

Post No. 2,749 - Hints of my next life?

I have never been interested in trying to see any future lives of mine (the quotation marks are because we dont necessarily actually experience our lives in linear chronological fashion ... and then theres the whole issue of parallels ...), although I know others are (and at least one book has been written about it - see here, or here for the original edition ... I dont recall ever reading the book  so I cant make any comment about the quality/contents/etc - a better read for those who are interested, in my opinion, is the Oversoul Seven series, channelled by Jane Roberts [see here] ).

However, as I approach the end of this life (its not for at least a few years, by the way), and start to minimise the physical footprint for my family, friends, and executor will have to deal with, I have been given some hints about my possible/probable next life. 

That life, it appears, will be on a world similar to Earth, but definitely not this planet - it will possibly be in an alternate timeline, but with more forested continents and less ocean, and a culture similar Earth of the early 1800s (early Industrial), and relatively fewer humans than this planet had at that time. 

My tasks will include anchoring BPM  energy structures (made by BPM spirit) to the planet, structures that can be used to help prevent the mistakes this planet made during that era. 

Ill be born with more conscious memories to make that easier than this life has been.


Well, I guess Ill get to see how accurate those impressions are. 

Another life living in a forest would be nice, thats for sure.

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