Wednesday 17 April 2024

Post No. 2,761 - A formalisation and extension of clearing techniques - Part 1A - Form 01

Further to   “Post No. 2,712 - A formalisation and extension of clearing techniques - Part 1 (incomplete)”   I have some additional details on Form 01 below. I’ll start with the information from the above-mentioned post. 

Ultimately I will aim to do this for each Form so I can, at the very least, create a separate link for each Form. All posts in this series are now being listed at   “On line “courses” (on this blog) and practice exercises”   as they are completed.


Form 01 - Block and outlast

This covers non-active (passive is a bit of a misnomer) techniques, including pre-emptive techniques such as wards or shields that are created routinely, as part of responsible living to protect units most commonly from disharmonious, rather than malicious, energy.

Protection techniques such as sealing one’s aura, establishing protection around a place, or protecting concepts/aspects of life (such as income) in advance of any specific threat occurring are included in this Form.

However, it also includes creating any sort of reactive barrier (mirror, image of brick wall, energy barrier, prayer for protection, etc) created in response to a detected psychic attack or being affected by nonBPM units - most commonly a stream of disharmonious, not malicious, energy.

Any absence of malice in the source makes this a particularly appropriate response – and the techniques are generally fairly easy and quick to use.

The concern for all reflective (as opposed to absorptive) applications of this technique is:

What happens to the reflected energy on the other side of the Form 01 Unit/response? Could it harm other Life?

One should therefore check whether the reflected energy is doing any harm, and switch to another technique if it is – as well as undoing the harm caused. 

If the source of the problem either later becomes malicious, or was found to have hidden its malice, there MAY be a need to change to another technique, but, in many cases, as it takes considerable expenditure of energy to keep hating/disliking, patience and persistence may be enough to outlast the malice of the source, which results in one having resisted successfully without having dragged oneself down to the level of the problem or in any other way having compromised one’s spiritual principles.

Not adopting another Form when it is required, though, risks making this exercise a spiritual bypassing problem.

Discernment and honesty is always required. 

This technique is well suited to Earth  elemental  energy/units / magick/magickal techniques. 

(I will add more from my colours and chakras project and a future project on combining energies as I gradually complete them.) 

Poem (I write … unexceptional little poems as part of exploring concepts - these are also being published over on my creativity blog)

You nudge
I forbear to nudge back
And politely go my way
While staying alert.


Technical details:

Units used for this purpose can be categorised as either passive barrier or active discouragement. 

Subcategories of active discouragement include “(pre-emptively) going on the offensive”, although that arguably starts to get into Form 09 techniques, and “reactive counterattack”.
Let’s begin with passive barrier techniques. 

These are units that do not have any effect unless the units being defended against come into contact with or impinge on the passive barrier units. 

It is a little like building a castle wall or standing still with a shield: the appearance of the defensive unit may be mildly discouraging, but mainly to those with little offensive skill. And the wall/shield will defend against an attack brought to bear against it, but will have no effect on attacks on others elsewhere – although any wall/shield you create for those others will have the same potential defensive value as well. 

Creating an extremely strong defensive unit will be excessive for minor attacks, but a low strength defence will be of no value or use against a strong attack – fairly obviously. That doesn’t mean the low strength unit is of no use, though, as it can provide warning of the need for something stronger. This can be strengthened by including the intention (and/or visualisation) of a way of conveying sensory impressions back from the unit to yourself (visualisations of a nerve or cat’s whiskers might be useful)

Typically, these are created by visualising something like an eggshell of BPM energy around the outside of your aura (or the energy field of whatever unit you are seeking to defend)

How much effort you put into creating this will dictate how strong it is – although using established rituals will 

(a) help you focus for greater effect, and 

(b) tie in to established egregores/thought forms/group mind workings. 

Rituals are not essential, but they can be a “force multiplier” for your efforts – and there are plenty of other sources out there on such protection work, which I will not try to list here and now (especially as that body of work is growing and developing over time – although I quite like “Blackthorn’s Protection Magic” [Amazon; Apple; Red Wheel Weiser)

What I will say, however, is I tend to use visualisations of crystals (these are thought forms, in effect), a group of symbols generally described as “Wiccan” (such as pentagrams and pentacles) although they predate Wicca by millennia, in some cases, runes & (created by me) bindrunes, and Enochian symbols for such purposes, as I relate more strongly to those than iconography from other traditions (particularly some Western Mystical tradition symbols, which I find excessively ornate, and the so-called “Solomons Seals”, which can have some disturbingly violent aspects in the texts used as part of the Seal)

These symbols can be created as overlapping or multi-layered units. I generally create multiple layers of overlapping symbols for my chakras and other parts of my energy structure, my auric skins, and key places such as my room/house/car/etc. 

I used the word “skins” quite deliberately, as our energy bodies tend to “be” (or to be perceived as being) “larger” as we move up from physical to etheric to astral and then into the higher realms. 

Imagery is not the only tool that can be used: any of the other sense can be used – music that we find healing, comforting, or uplifting, for example, tends to come with an automatic energetic imprint. That can be deliberately used by visualising the music being absorbed in to the unit you are creating – it is a little clumsy to explain, but it is as if I am packing the music into my auric skins, for instance. 

My main use of sound, however, tends to be as a key to unlock a pre-packaged bundle of energy. I first used this when I visualised my aura being strongly flamed as a Qabbalistic word is sounded, thereby storing the energy for release when I chanted (mentally sufficed – it did not need to be spoken out aloud, although that helped me get a stronger effect when I was learning) that word.

Other senses can also be used for the same purpose, but one must be careful to contain, for instance, an unpleasant astral smell (or sound), which can be done by having the intention of it being contained (and that intention being compatible with your unconscious and Higher Self – if not, you (i) have some shadow work to do, and (ii) won’t be containing anything much)

Creating the unit as focused on a place or an object (such as the auric skins or chakras) will help, and that is a so far unwritten part of what I have written so far: if the Unit is not attached to what you want to protect, it will float off elsewhere and thus be useful. 

A little conscious intention, however, will help, but so too can visualising the Unit as being attached to an object (even a symbol or set of symbols drawn on paper – which is a technique I use to protect homes of myself and my significant others). Attaching this to an object (which is basically a charm/talisman or, in some vocabularies, an amulet) means the protective effect can be transferred. 

Going back to visualised symbols, some of these could be the nonphysical equivalent of a hedgehog of spears. As an example, by groups of runic symbols could include Algiz runes pointed out: if someone contacts them it is like trying to grab a hold of sedge blade – it will “cut” that person. 

If that person is someone trying to do some form of attack, that would injure, possibly weaken, and hopefully discourage that person. 

Of course, it could potentially also harm anyone who innocently comes in to contact with that, so I don’t use those in my outer layer of defences - only in my inner, more important layers of defences (e.g., around chakras, where contact can only be made by penetrating my physical body, thereby ruling out anything accidental). In my outer layers I am more likely to use pre-packed bundles of pentagrams that I can release against an attacker (or not, should I so choose)

(In the physical world, in many nations [including mine], people must not overreact against trespass, for example. When this is discussed, many people tend to jump straight to a violent home invasion, but what if you had a booby trap and it harmed some children who, in all innocence, strayed on to your property, possibly to pick up an errant ball or toy or pet?)

This is now getting in to what are termed “reactive defences”, where a counterattack is applied against an attack. 

Military forces have this as, for instance, what is termed reactive armour for tanks – to oversimplify, an explosive to explode outwards and thus hopefully counter the inwards force of an explosion nearby. 

Less violently, sonic defences are used on some ships against pirates. These are directional, and create a feeling of illness in those on the receiving end (although I have also read claims of more serious injuries).

Disturbingly, in my opinion, some local authorities also do things like play classical music or other sounds to discourage children frequenting an area

Finally, a reminder: Form 01 is about outlasting nonBPM units. The Form relies on preventing nonBPM effects from the nonBPM units; in real life, this often works because most forms of psychic attack can be outlasted (the attacker will lose focus/motivation – e.g., they will calm down, or life will itself distract them), and thus active clearing is not required. 

To outlast something/someone, you need to be capable of doing so, and that means you need to have good – preferably exceptionally good - nonphysical health, strength and wellbeing, including being skilled and familiar at using those techniques regularly – and often, particularly the self-monitoring of Exercise A at the end of “Lesson No. 46 - Choosing and building a BPM central, unifying image or sequence of images”   

Fairly obviously, there are situations where more active clearing techniques will be required, but the advantages of this technique include not aggravating the attacker and thus not extending the psychic attack, and minimal expenditure of effort/energy on your part.

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Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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