Wednesday 17 April 2024

bgnythlwprv ("begone, begone, be ye gone, the light will prevail") + note

Attempting to do a series of posts for magickal protection against an attack seems to have led me to run afoul of some of Blogger's rules (I suspect the ones aimed at bots and the like - or possibly cross posts?).

I will resume normal posting when I can. 

The series of posts was planned to end at the Full Moon, but I've now cancelled that and am in the process of removing most of the posted and all of the scheduled posts, and will have to look at a specific website for online magickal rituals involving repetition for reinforcement (magickal chants, in a sense)

At leaast I am happy with the combined sigil(s) I got out of this - and I am continuing the non-digital work. 

The title of the posts, by the way, is a magical formula for "begone, begone, be ye gone, the light will prevail".