Sunday, 15 September 2024

Post No. 2,877 - #PsychicABetterWorld

Cultures often become known for certain attributes – sometimes wrongly, or as a simplification from the complex reality of life to something within an observer’s capacity to cope with. 

As examples, the ancient Greek city-state of Athens is reputed as having been a centre of knowledge and learning, perhaps due to the publicity of the Roman Empire (which ignored the adjoining Etruscans), and for its early form of democracy - happily publicised in intervening times by cismales who didn’t seem to notice all the types of humans excluded from that form of democracy (which may actually have originated in West Asia).

Those intervening cismale European publicists also ignored the role of the Islamic civilisation in keeping knowledge alive during the Dark and Middle Ages, and that the everyday lives of most people didn’t actually change when Europe supposedly passed into the times described as “the Dark Ages”. 

Except that there might have been one fewer layers of foreign overlords . . . 

The word overlords is a good segue into the topic of power. Social, economic, class, etc bases for power are probably more widely understood and discussed now than in most other times of human history – or, at least, within a context of fairness, equity, and justice. 

I could go through the various waves of issues and the development of improved understanding and ability to work with power, but for now I just want to particularly mention the important concepts of:   

  • intersectionality,   
  • that direct and indirect discrimination, including structural/systemic, needs to be countered with allyship, upstander behaviour, and active anti-discrimination behaviours;   and   
  • that everything needs to be trauma-informed – including intergenerational/multigenerational transfer of trauma. 

These concepts apply to how we use our power/privilege, if we have any - and I am particularly noting the privilege (aka power to influence/affect) that goes with attractiveness and whiteness or perceived whiteness, but that also applies to skills and abilities we may have. 

As an example, if you have above average intelligence, what are you doing with that? Are you aiding neoliberal capitalists to make more money, or are you finding solutions to genuine problems? 

If you have communication skills, are you finding whatever interests you without caring whether you are aiding evil, or are you trying to help others find their voice and advocating for those who cannot? 

And if you are psychic, are you misusing your abilities to get rich or frittering them away helping individuals, one at a time, make the best of a bad life situation without ever contemplating whether you could use your skills more broadly to make the world a better place? (That could be due to selfishness or other  flaws.) 

And my definition of better is, as a quick simplification, based on overall social happiness (such as Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness Index), the four freedoms of Franklin D Roosevelt, and the principles of diversity, equity, and  inclusion

(It should be noted that freedom from poverty, and having a secure [including psychological-emotional] survival situation, are crucial to achieving those three aspects of my definition … but social status and being rich or richer than others is not.) 

Since the early 1970s, my experience is that most people involved in psychism are in it for they can get for themselves – or what they can get for a narrowly defined group of people. 

They seek improved psychic communication so they can get messages of comfort (which is an example of spiritual bypassing), or they focus on ways to cope with bad life situations without considering whether life should be better (which is amathia).

In the worst cases, they set themselves up to make money without any moral scruples. 

(I am aware some people genuinely want to be able to focus on psychic service full time, but that can create conflicts when one cannot deliver guidance on command, and can lead to self-justification and other problems of the sort that can be best countered by becoming familiar with the 80,000 hours website.) 

Whenever I do a search to try to find people use psychic abilities to make the world a better place, all I find are sites trying to sell ways to increase one’s personal psychic power or strength or skills – absolutely NO consideration of broader context. 

There are people who do seek to make the world a better place – for instance, the Activist Witch, and there have been instances of people coming together for larger purposes – such as the attempted  binding  of  Trump some years ago. (I thought I’d done a post on that some time ago, but I can’t find it, unfortunately.) 

(I’ve yet to see such an event organised for global poverty or similar problems, though … ) 

And there are many small groups seeking to do their bit towards making the world a better place, often through meditation – which I first came across in the book Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth, and I have included reference to some of those groups over the years in my Psychic Weather Report posts (which is another example of what I am referring to – and there’s a couple of other examples here)

The problem is the good work being done is being drowned out by the bad . . . 

I’ve been thinking of ways to try to reverse that (in addition to what is already being done), and may have a go at a series of interviews of those doing this sort of work. 

Another option may be for someone with social media skills to come up a catchy hashtag – something better than #PsychicABetterWorld or #PsychicsForABetterWorld or #PsychismForABetterWorld or #PsychicsForTheManyNotTheOne or #PsychismForTheManyNotTheOne (I said I didn’t have social media skills) – something like the #Occultea hashtag (which I didn’t finish my contribution to).

And you, Dear Reader, may have an even better idea . . .

PS - physic is an archaic word for “apply or use medicine/medical skill to make better”. I used “psychic” in the hashtag in the post heading in a similar sense - “apply [psychic] skill or knowledge to make better”.

Possible flaws 

Where I can, I will try to highlight possible flaws / issues you should consider:

  • there may be flawed logical arguments in the above: to find out more about such flaws and thinking generally, I recommend Brendan  Myers’ free online course “Clear and Present Thinking” 
  • I could be wrong - so keep your thinking caps on, and make up your own minds for yourself.



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(Gnwmythr is pronounced new-MYTH-ear)  

Remember: we generally need to be more human being rather than human doing, to mind our Mӕgan, and to acknowledge that all misgendering is an act of active transphobia/transmisia that puts trans+ lives at risk & accept that all insistence on the use of “trans” as a descriptor comes with commensurate use of “cis” as a descriptor to prevent “othering” (just as binary gendered [men’s and women’s] sporting teams are either both given the gender descriptor, or neither).

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