There is an
introduction / reminder / explanation about these posts here.
I have also changed the way I present the high/low energy areas: the hatching
is now limited to the contour, not the whole area, in a possibly somewhat vain
attempt to make the whole thing more readable.
Now, for this week, as
a first point, it is also recommended that you read yesterday’s
summation of world events. The key themes were:
(a) while groups like Da’esh and other violent extremists seek to spread their vile influence over geography, resistance to all such violent extremism can ALWAYS call on the often uncharted realms of mind, spirit and Soul, irrespective of geographic location and presence or absence of physical tools of communication, for inspiration, allies, and an arena to outflank the violent extremists;(b) when dealing with endemic problems, such as war or poverty or epidemics, continued outbreaks need to be managed, but the fact that continued outbreaks occur also says the broader underlying causes need to be identified and addressed – which is a different skill set to dealing with the outbreaks, and thus isn’t necessarily a drain on the same resources. In that situation, some people need to celebrate the successes along the way – NOT all, but all need to maintain their balanced well being;(c) while stability and “normality” are often the best counter to violent extremis, it has to be an inclusive and free “normality” that allows people to express themselves in ways that do not harm others and to grow – the tyranny of what Robert Menzies alluded to as the control of others from suburban middle class lounge rooms is not acceptable;(d) “don’t shoot the messenger” is a principle that applies to international politics and human rights – particularly with respect to not harming those who are genuinely acting to make the world a better place. If people trying to do so are in error, educate them, don’t kill or harm them;(e) the legal arms trade is a major problem in exacerbating the savagery –and probably the length – of violent conflict, and must, in all decency, be curtailed – or properly controlled, at least, with realistic consideration of the possibility of misuse or further sale of weapons;(f) Der Spiegel’s (I use their Spiegel International website as one of my sources) has published an article on the structure of Da’esh. That article, and a couple of responses to it, strongly support the view that the Sunni-Shiite conflict is about politics, not religion;
From my runic and
other divination:
- the BPLF non-physical energies that are being sent to the planet this week are those shown by the rune Eihwaz, acting through the Magickal Principle of Harmony (Watery Magickal Law of Frequency), which amounts to seeing connections. Wherever these energies are low, they need to be strengthened;
- the non-physical energies needing to be cleared are those shown by the rune Algiz, acting through the Magickal Principle of Octaves and Cycles (Watery Magickal Law of Frequency), which amounts to fear of being hurt or causing unanticipated problems if one gets involved.
I’ve also started
having a go at doing a more normal rune casting. It will take me a while before
I get this properly worked out and integrated (and I need some runes that are
easier to cast – but with microrunes on them). The photos below show this week’s
result, first with hidden runes as is, and then with the hidden runes revealed.
All I could get from this was that stability is important – it leads to joy but
there are hidden currents, movements and fragilities to beware of – none of
which I found particularly useful.
I no longer type up a
list of places with most/least of energy - you can get that most effectively
from the images showing the development of the contours for this week’s
Overall, the lives of so many refugees being lost/potentially
lost in the Mediterranean Sea makes the energy state of Europe important this
week, as do the lives being lost in the Middle East, and Northern and Central
Africa. The high number of people and problems in India make the unbalanced energy
there particularly significant (the recent earthquake in Nepal is also a major
issue), and the potential influence of North America (particularly the USA) and
Russia make the balanced energy states there important. The South Atlantic
Ocean is part of the Shield of Hope, and thus needs to be assisted, and
Australia (and New Zealand, even more so) can be a way to help the Pacific (and
South East Asia), and has its own refugee crisis (now well into its second
decade) and thus there is a need for work there (well, here, as I sit typing
this). Why does South-East Asia have an unbalanced energy state? Is it adverse
international attention over the executions in Indonesia (which would surprise
me), the moves against democracy (particularly in Thailand), refugees, or a
combination of factors?
My approach this week
will be:
- invoke ӕther and Algiz/Eolh (for a sense of security);
- clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of fear and insecurity, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly confidence, a sense of connection to all humans and a desire to be welcoming to the Indian Ocean and Southern Africa;
- invoke water and Laguz/Lagu for balance, and then devoke;Monday
- invoke air and Tiwaz/Tir;
- clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of rigidity, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly maturity, to, South East Asia - both directly, and from the reserve in the Indian Ocean;
- invoke ӕther and Dagaz/Dӕg for balance, and then devoke;
- invoke ӕther and Algiz/Eolh (for a sense of security);
- clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of fear and insecurity, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly confidence, a sense of connection to all humans and a desire to be welcoming, to, Australia - both directly, and from the reserve in the Indian Ocean;
- invoke water and Laguz/Lagu for balance, and then devoke;Tuesday
- invoke air and Isa/Is;
- clear nonBPLF units from, and send BPLF energy to, the Pacific - directly, and from South East Asia and Australia, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
- invoke earth and Kenaz/Ken for balance, and then devoke;Wednesday
- invoke air and Eihwaz/Eoh;
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of self-centredness, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly “the courage to care” and confidence, to, North America - directly, and from the Pacific, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
- invoke fire and Wunjo/Wynn for balance, and then devoke;
- invoke fire and Gebo/Gifu;
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of low self esteem, insecurity and lack of direction, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly maturity, confidence and courage and patience in the face of change, to, Russia - directly, from the Pacific, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
- invoke air and Dagaz/ Dӕg for balance, and then devoke;Thursday
- invoke earth and Tiwaz/Tir;
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of worry, anxiety and fear, and uncertainty, insecurity and lack of self esteem, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly maturity, patience and tolerance, to, Central Africa - directly, from the reserve in Southern Africa;
- invoke ӕther and Fehu/Feoh for balance, and then devoke;
- invoke air and Æsc;
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of fatalism, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly flexibility, maturity and patient persistence, to, India - directly, from the reserve in the Indian Ocean;
- invoke water and Dagaz/Dӕg for balance, and then devoke;
- invoke ӕther and Algiz/Eolh;
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of despair, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly hope, to, the South Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic- directly, from the reserve in the Indian Ocean and from Southern Africa, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
- invoke water and Laguz/Lagu for balance, and then devoke;Friday
- invoke ӕther and Tiwaz/Tir;
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of fear of being overwhelmed, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly compassion, maturity and self confidence, to, Europe - directly, and from the Arctic, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
- invoke water and Ehwaz/Eh for balance, and then devoke;
- invoke earth and Eihwaz/Eoh;
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of sensitivity, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly confidence, patience and maturity, to, Northern Africa - directly, from the reserve in the Indian Ocean and from Central Africa, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
- invoke ӕther and Wunjo/Wynn for balance, and then devoke;Saturday
- invoke air and Dagaz/Dӕg;
clear nonBPLF units, particularly those of arrogance, impatience and refusal to listen/see, from, and send BPLF energy, particularly awareness, a true sense of community, patience, maturity and forbearance, to, the Middle East - directly, from the reserve in the Indian Ocean and from Europe, Russia and Northern Africa, worked on previously (making sure no depletion occurs);
- invoke earth and Calc for balance, and then devoke.
No uncooperatives
this week.
Combining the
assessments of levels and types of energies, strategy and uncooperatives, here
is this week’s assessment, presented graphically:
Irrespective of that assessment, however, please join us
in trying to make sure that the Shield of Hope area
formed by (part or all of) the South Atlantic Ocean, Southern and Eastern Africa (including both
sources of the Nile), the Indian sub-continent (including the Himalayas) and the Indian Ocean, shown outlined in gold on this week’s energy map, consistently has BPLF energy at or above 7 by the time Neptune leaves Pisces, on around
30th March, 2025 (a date which
has an eclipse the day before). If you wish to do a little more coordinated
action on a positive strategic front, I'm also planning on routinely sending
BPLF energy to Hong Kong, Tunisia, and Mexico, which show potential as "outposts
of the BPLF” and I wish to encourage
their change for the better, and through the Red Sea and Suez Canal to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.
[2] Please
see here, here and my post "The
Death of Wikipedia" for the reasons
I now recommend caution when using Wikipedia. I'm also exploring use of h2g2,
although that doesn't appear to be as extensive (h2g2 is intended - rather
engagingly - to be the Earth edition of
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy").
[3] I apologise for the formatting: it seems Blogger is
no longer as WYSIWYG as it used to be, and there are a lot of unwanted
changes to layout made upon publishing, so I often have to edit it immediately
after publishing to get the format as close to what I want as possible.
Love, light, hugs and blessings
(pronounced "new-MYTH-ear"; ... aka Bellatrix
Lux … aka Morinehtar … would-be drýicgan or maga
... )
My "blogiography" (list of all posts and guide as to how to best use this
site) is here, and my glossary/index is here.
I started this blog to cover karmic regression-rescue
(see here and here), and it grew ... See here for my group mind project, here and here for my "Pagans for Peace" project (and join me
for a few minutes at some time between 8 and 11 PM on Sunday, wherever you are,
to meditate-clear for peace), and here
for my bindrune kit-bag. I also strongly recommend
learning how to flame, ground
and shield, do alternate
nostril breathing, work
with colour, and see also here and be
Tags: activism, discrimination, energy work, magick, meditation,
nonviolence, peace, psychic weather, society, violence, war,
First published: Sunnudagr, 19th April, 2015
Last edited (excluding fixing typo's
and other minor matters): Sunday, 19th April, 2015