My ideal world is one is
which these groups communicate politely, and pass people along rather than
trying to force round pegs to fit square holes. Unfortunately, in this world of
interconnectivity, humanness and its attendant issues is preventing that.
Ever since I came across
the “1 million meditators” movement, I’ve had a (low priority) goal of trying to
get these groups talking to each other, but I have to set priorities for my
limited time and energy, so this may become a project for someone else.
As a reminder, this is
the current version of the paragraph at the end of my Gnwmythr’s News posts:
Many others are very capably doing this type of work – for instance, the Lucis Trust's Triangles network (which has been running for many decades); the Correllian Tradition's 'Spiritual War for Peace' (see also here, here, and here), the Hope, Peace, Love and Prosperity Spell (also from the Correllian Tradition, in around 2007 or 2008), the Healing Minute started by the late, great Harry Edwards (running for decades); the “CE 5 ET contact” movement started by Dr Steven M Greer, which is the one which appears to me to most capitalise on the teachings of “The Nine”, the “Network of Light” meditations; the 1 Million Meditators movement, and also see here, here and here – even commercial organisations (for instance, see here), online groups (e.g. here and here – which I do not know the quality of) and even an app. Thus, if you don't like what I am suggesting here, but want to be of service, there are many other opportunities for you – including secular opportunities: e.g., see here, here and here.
If I re-present that, the
groups and links are:
- the Lucis Trust's Triangles network (which has been running for many decades):;
- the Healing Minute (also running for decades):;
- the “CE 5 ET contact” movement: and and;
- the “Network of Light” meditations:;
- the Correllian Tradition's “Spiritual War for Peace”:;
- the Hope, Peace, Love and Prosperity Spell:;
- the “Insight Timer” movement:;
- the 1 Million Meditators movement:;
-; and
- Buddhist techniques, which have possibly been in use for centuries: and
Anyone want to have a go?
If you do, the following
may perhaps be worth considering as a starting point for a basis of working
(1) although the details of techniques may vary, there are a wide range of groups and individuals who are genuinely, to the best of their ability, seeking to make this world a better, more peaceful place through meditation;(2) whilst membership of these various groups is a matter of individual free will (choice), there may be some benefit in the groups communicating to some extent – for instance, for coordinated efforts for particular events;(3) such communication should be polite, respectful (including not assuming US location or focus), and non-proselytising in order to be effective.
Moving on from that, I’ve
used part of my recovery leave (ah, the
joys of “TOIL” – Time Off In Lieu [of paid overtime]) to do some research,
and have come across Bob
Lazar – possibly again, as the name rings a bell. However, this time I’ve perused
his claims a little more closely (starting with this
online video), and am actually quite impressed with the descriptions of
how (one type of) UFO work, and the impression I have is that they are correct
(for that type of craft).
I am a bit staggered that
the description was publicised back in the late 1980s.
That also led me back to
the work of Dr
Steven M Greer, accessible currently via the Sirius Disclosure website and a Vimeo channel. He has also had
an app developed, which is great for those who have so-called “smart” phones,
and useless for those of us who don’t (I’ll
try to contact Dr Greer to see if the older tools can still be bought).
The clincher for me on
that website was that another monthly even is happening early
next year where people are making some sort of coordinated effort to
connect with extraterrestrials through meditating for peace, and I found a
strong, active and quite widespread network through it –
in fact, that network has been one of the biggest sources of hope and
inspiration for me for many years, and helped me decide to try writing the
It will be interesting to
see where this network goes, and I am looking forward to me participation in
it. I’ll let you, Dear Reader, know how I go :)
Next, a few cross posts:
- my latest YouTube video (on psychic soup and world peace) is here;
- I post some more thoughts on the North Korean crisis on my political blog here; and
- I’ve come across a few meditation techniques which others may find useful here (although I’m doubtful of some of the background – which doesn’t necessarily make the tool less valid) and here.
Finally, the CE 5
techniques work, in my experience, very well with the alternate
nostril breathing
exercise that I’ve been using since I was a teenager (in the last
millennium … ): that is one of the best things I ever came across in Lobsang
Rampa’s books.