Monday 30 March 2020

Post No. 1,524 - Friendships at a time of stress

I did an interview today for the Trans Day of Visibility. In that, one question was about what group had been most supportive: my answer was - my friends.

In the course of transitioning, I found a few people I had thought were friends weren't - and I was reminded of that by a Tweet today, in which someone had called out a hoarder, and been blocked as a result.

In that instance, the hoarder had shown they weren't a decent person. The hoarder had decided to end the "friendship", and I agree with those who consider it an acceptable loss - and it will be a double loss, both of whatever  was good about their interactions, as well as the loss of illusions about the person concerned.

I was, however, staggered by those who supported the hoarder.

It is times like this that people's true colours show through: some shine, some don't.

I'm pleased that my friends, some family and some family of choice, have shone.

PS - that evening I re-watched the film "Pride", and was deeply moved - as always with that film (especially the ending). However, I've now got the wonderful song "Bread and Roses" running through my mind . . . could be worse - and I'm certainly not going to try the trick of singing the British anthem to kill that earworm.