Sunday 1 March 2020

Post No. 1,509 - Dogs

If there is something I have learned to loathe with a passion, it is incompetents who try to train dogs to be guard dogs in suburban situations.

Apart from the abuse most seem to commit on the dogs in their incompetence, it creates massive dangers akin to booby-trapping a house for trespassers - and this is Australia, not the USA, so an element of reasonableness applies to the defence and protection of one's property. If a small kid goes into a yard to retrieve a ball, yes, they are committing an act of trespass: occupiers have the right to reasonable force only - injuring or terrifying a child is not reasonable.

Now, I've seen people who did the training competently, leaving the dogs normally loving, sociable, and safe most of the time - except for when they have been put specifically on guard. However, when the people I'm writing about - people whose hearts and minds are probably already as scarred as the dogs are after the so-called "training" - try to do it, it inevitably goes wrong.

One day, probably not soon, but one day, there will be laws against that sort of abuse.

How about healing yourself, the animal you are responsible, and getting a balanced attitude towards risks & safety and working with neighbours and police so you can be on the right side of history?