Tuesday 2 June 2020

Post No. 1,579 - Cross Posting: Reflections

This was originally posted on my political blog at https://politicalmusingsofkayleen.blogspot.com/2020/06/reflections.html.


I mentioned in my previous post that last night I listened to part (it was too late here in Australia for me to listen to all of it) of an "online conversation" the Global Centre for R2P organised with people who were now in, and had previously been in, the UN position of Special Advisors on R2P.During that, a comment was made about computer technology and older people.

Well, the people associated with the Internet (see here) and the modern PC are actually all old - some so old they're dead. On top of that, I know people younger than me who are more resistant to technology than I am, and some who have gaps in their technology knowledge that I can fill.

This matter isn't really a generational one: it is a case of early adopters vs. later adopters/resisters, the familiarity of what we grow up with, and those who have the independence of mind to take a broader view of the effects and implications of new matters - in all areas of life, not just technology.

Minor side note: I was pleased to find, last night, that someone has clearly read my posts, as they used the "insert pejorative" thing I wrote about here (and here) - woo hoo!