Monday 22 June 2020

Post No. 1,596 - Cross posting: Reasonable vs. necessary

This was originally posted on my political blog at
For most of my half century or so of activism, the legal term "reasonable" has been a key concept - particularly the last quarter century.

Last night, however, I heard US Senator Kamala Harris being interviewed on YouTube (see here), and explaining that, in the context of considering police behaviour, "reasonable" is actually a fairly low bar, and a better term is "necessary" (at ~2:47 in the video). This is, in my opinion, an excellent point, and one which has much broader application.

In particular, I consider this difference potentially very useful when fighting off invasive questioning, etc by homophobes/transphobes who are in power - especially those in bureaucracies and other forms of power, not only bigotted/abusive police, who are betraying not only their colleagues who want to be good police, but also the communities they are supposed to be serving.