Monday 8 June 2020

Post No. 1,585 - Astral thought forms to help the quest for justice, equity and change

One of the comments that gets me thinking in the Deverry series is a comment about folding light in on itself (in "The Silver Mage" - I think the actual reference is to convoluted light). Most times that isn't all that necessary for things like healing: if you send a person energy on the etheric, their etheric will receive it, from the mental level to them then their mental level will receive it, and so on - and, because it is a healing situation, which means consent has been given, the energy will be received, and the energy sent will be as BPM as possible.

However, what is happening in the USA is basically a spiritual / psychic war: the nonBPM people, like #45, some - not all! - police, and so on, are actively using and radiating energies of hate - which reinforces others of their ilk. They are also receiving nonBPM energy from nonphysical sources - entities, objects, thought forms of hate, and so on.

In response to that radiated hate, fear and nonBPM anger, things like shields / wards / other defences are good - are advisable. For those who do not have the psychic skill, knowledge, or awareness to create such, others of us can - with the permission of the Higher Self of that person, or their astral, if they agree while sleeping - create those shields for them.

I've long thought the magickal world needs to get away from using solely wands / staffs, although they do have particular uses (for which I find two or three fingers held together will often suffice - except for my staff, which is basically a portable personalised source of energy), and, if I ever have the opportunity to start up doing woodworking again, I have designs for small, ~15cm handheld shields for use in rituals (lots of sigils on them - Laura  Tempest  Zakroff has a lot of excellent sigils you could consider using).

That's good, but I've been thinking about the intensity of the hate etc, and have decided to modify my visualisations of shields slightly. Now, before I go into that, keep in mind that I don't only use shields around myself and the people and places I want to protect, I use shields around those who are actively hating or are a threat - I visualise the shields surrounding them, but - particularly in the current situation - not completely. This is actually something Sun Tzu talks about that the police practising "kettling" haven't realised yet: if you leave someone nowhere to go, they may become more energised, even if that is driven by fear or humiliation or pain - thus, Sun Tzu recommends never entirely surrounding an enemy: if you leave a way of retreat, they will likely retreat. So what I will do, if working on, say, a line of "police", is shield 90% of the way around each of them, and then leave a more porous filter over the last 10% which is facing away from the protestors.

So, one more point before I get into that change: sound proof rooms - actually, technically I'm thinking more of an "anechoic chamber", where the surfaces are lined with cones etc to disperse sounds or other energy. This, in my opinion, is better than a mirror, or a basic shield, as the energy is dispersed and "broken up" - which I enhance by creating mini-vortexes along the cones to take the dispersed energy away. (There was a description of this towards the end of the Dresden Files book "Skin Game".)

So my first change is to create anechoic devices on the surfaces of shields to make them more effective. The devices can be made transparent, to allow sigils on the shields to still show, or, by varying the colour / material/size of the devices, you can create the sigils on the surface of the shield.

If a wall of nonBPM "police" with overlapping auras find such a shield between each of them, they are not going to be able to "reinforce" each other psychically. 

The next idea is based on something else I've been thinking of: making a cup, or mini-cauldron on a stem ☺, to catch and transform nonBPM energy.

Again, for any time I resume woodwork, such physical devices would be handheld, so cup size, but in the astral, I can visualise them whatever size I want - maybe human sized, and in front of each nonBPM "police" person, or soldier. I can line the cauldrons with anechoic devices, arranged to provide sigils, and, in fact, I can, with the assistance of Earth energies, make them like crystal caves - so the nonBPM energy sent into them is transformed. (This is a little like my pottery plans for an "artificial" crystal cave, using small crystals in a band inside the "cave", sigils, places for a candle, incense, flowing and static water - and a pot plant ☺.)

If you're not familiar with what cauldrons can do in the Celtic tradition, it might be worth a quick internet search - not too long, as I'm using them slightly differently.

In normal ritual work, I had originally intended that these would be used to catch nonBPM energy and contain it until it can be taken somewhere safe, or transformed. Making the changes mentioned above would enable the astral thought forms of such devices to do so now.

Where the convoluted light comes in, is that it enables the creation of stronger, more intense, and longer lasting devices. I'm a bit reluctant to write too much about that technique here, so I'll just say "go ask your BPM Guides" ☺.

I'll leave this post at that for now.

Blessings to all.